Announcement: SnapStats Session – Ask your Queries to Experts from BCBR
Dear course participants,
We hope you are staying safe.
The BCBR team at ICMR-NIE had initiated ‘SnapStats’ to augment the core learning among participants of BCBR. Accordingly, a series of live Webcasts are being streamed through YouTube Live.
As part of the SnapStats programme, we have planned for a special Q&A session, wherein Experts from BCBR clarify the doubts and queries from the participants in a live interactive session.
The live interactive session 'Ask the BCBR Experts' is tentatively scheduled on 2nd July 2021,
Use google form attached to pose questions on your own biomedical research projects to ICMR-NIE experts.
These will be answered by the experts during the designated SnapStats session.
Watch the sessions live at
Wish you a happy learning experience!
- BCBR Team
Announcement: SnapStats Session 2 - Confidence Intervals
Dear course participants,
We hope you are staying safe.
We are happy to announce the second session of SnapStats on YouTube Live.
Join us tomorrow for a brief talk on “Confidence intervals”.
Don't miss the opportunity to interact with the speakers with your queries and doubts.
Kindly share this information with your friends as well.
Date: 30-04-2021, Friday
Time: 04:00 - 04:30 P.M.
Webcast link:
If you missed our first session on "What is p-value?", kindly watch it here (
Details of future sessions will be communicated later.
Wish you a happy learning experience!
- BCBR Team
Basic course in Biomedical Research- Cycle 2: Results Published!
- If You have filled G-Form for Name/DOB changes, it will be reflected in your login and E-Certificate after Jan 15th, 2021.
- As announced earlier, hard copies of certificates will not be dispatched.
Pattern of final proctored exam for BCBR – Cycle 2
1. Exam will be conducted at designated centres using a computer via online mode.
2. Pattern of online exam: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with one best answer. Questions will be based on material from the lecture videos,
lecture handouts, assignment questions, reading/resource materials, and discussion forum.
3. Total number of questions is 100 (each question carries 1 mark). There is no negative marking.
4. Duration of online exam is 3 hours. Candidates will be allowed to leave after a minimum duration of 90 minutes.
5. Some questions may need simple calculations. For this purpose, online calculator would be available on the computer being used for examination.
--Team BCBR
Basic course in Biomedical Research- Cycle 2 - Update on Dec 2020 Exam!!
Dear candidate,
***The below announcement is only for the Dec 2020 exam registered candidates****
For the Jul-Oct 2020 semesters, NPTEL exams are scheduled to be conducted from Dec 18 to Dec 20, 2020. Due to the current pandemic situation, we have been receiving requests from candidates for exam city changes, cancel of exams, etc.
Please read the following and fill the suitable form.
If you do not want any changes in your current choices you had mentioned while registering for the exam, you DO NOT have to fill these forms - Kindly ignore this email.
If you want to request for exam city changes and/or
If you still wish to cancel the exam(s) and obtain a refund, please go to this link and log in using your exam registered email id.
If you wish to make any changes in the following fields of the exam registration form, please go to the Google form link given below.
Changes in your name (note that this will be displayed in your e-certificate)
Mobile Number
College Name
Saying YES to sharing details with your college
This is your LAST CHANCE to request for a) exam city change b) cancel the exams and get a refund, and c) changes in select fields in the exam form. Beyond the last date mentioned here, we will NOT accept requests for any changes whatsoever.
LAST DATE TO FILL THE FORMS: Nov 23, 2020 (Monday) 12pm
Announcement on last date for BCBR Cycle 2 (March-June 2020) exam registration
Attention for the eligible participants to register for proctored exam
in Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2
Dear course participant,
Those who have received the eligibility mail to register for BCBR Cycle 2 exam kindly note the timeline and fees structure.
Exam registration timeline | Exam fees |
Before 28 October 2020; 10:00 AM | Rs.1000 |
After 28 October 2020; 10:00 AM to 02 November 2020; 5:00 PM | Rs.1500 |
Last date for exam registration: 02 November 2020 (Friday) 5:00 PM |
Pay the exam fees and submit the form well in advance to avoid last minute rush.
Watch the video tutorial completely on how to register for BCBR exam before filling up the exam registration form.
-Team BCBR
Announcement on last date for BCBR Cycle 2 (March-June 2020) exam registration
Attention for the eligible participants to register for proctored exam
in Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2
Dear course participant,
Those who have received the eligibility mail to register for BCBR Cycle 2 exam kindly note the timeline and fees structure.
Exam registration timeline | Exam fees |
Before 28 October 2020; 10:00 AM | Rs.1000 |
After 28 October 2020; 10:00 AM to 02 November 2020; 5:00 PM | Rs.1500 |
Last date for exam registration: 02 November 2020 (Friday) 5:00 PM |
Pay the exam fees and submit the form well in advance to avoid last minute rush.
Watch the video tutorial completely on how to register for BCBR exam before filling up the exam registration form.
-Team BCBR
Pattern of final proctored exam for BCBR – Cycle 2
1. Exam will be conducted at designated centres using a computer via online mode.
2. Pattern of online exam: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with one best answer.
3. Syllabus for the exam: Questions will be based on material from the lecture videos, lecture handouts, assignment questions, reading/resource
materials and discussion forum.
4. Total no. questions is 100 (each question carries 1 mark). There is no negative marking.
5. Duration of online exam is 3 hours. Candidates will be allowed to leave after a minimum duration of 90 minutes.
6. Some questions may need simple calculations. For this purpose, online calculator would be available on the computer being
used for examination
Delay in responding email queries on exam registration for BCBR Cycle-2 (March-June 2020)
Dear course participant,
We are currently receiving more than the anticipated number of email queries regarding exam registration for Cycle 2 of BCBR.
At BCBR, we always strive to reply to every email as soon as possible. However, due to unforeseen administrative constraints we may not be able to respond to your query immediately. Nevertheless, we assure you that your queries will be replied, albeit with some delay. So, kindly bear with us.
We also request you to watch the video tutorial (
Team BCBR.
Video tutorial to fill Exam Registration Form
This announcement is only for those who have received the ‘Eligible’ mail to register for the final proctored exam for BCBR-Cycle 2 (March-June 2020)
Dear course participant,
Kindly click this link to watch a video tutorial on ‘How to fill the Exam Registration Form for BCBR – Cycle 2 final proctored exam.
For any queries related to filling the Exam Form, kindly send email to
Team BCBR.
Basic course in Biomedical Research- Cycle 2 : Exam Registration form is open now for cycle 2!!!
If you register for the exam and pay before Oct 28, 10:00 AM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam.
If you register for exam before Oct 28, 10:00 AM and have not paid or if you register between Oct 28, 10:00 AM & Nov 02, 5:00 PM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1500/- per exam
5. 50% fee waiver for the following categories:
Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate.
Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate.
6. Last date for exam registration: Nov 02, 2020 5:00 PM (Friday).
7. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking.
The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by 2 weeks prior to the exam date - between December 10-15, 2020. We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.
9. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions.
10. Data changes:
Last date for data changes: 02 Nov 2020, 5:00 PM:
All the fields in the Exam form except for the following ones can be changed until the form closes.
The following 6 fields can be changed ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit the following fields only if you: -
REMOVE unpaid courses from the cart And/or - CANCEL paid courses
1. Do you come under the SC/ST category? *
2. SC/ST Proof
3. Are you a person with disabilities? *
4. Are you a person with disabilities above 40%?
5. Disabilities Proof
6. What is your role ?
Note: Once you remove or cancel a course, you will be able to edit these fields immediately.
But, for cancelled courses, refund of fees will be initiated only after 2 weeks.
11. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: 02 Nov 2020, 5:00 PM
12. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline
Thanks & Regards, NPTEL TEAM
Announcement to BCBR cycle 2 participants to migrate to cycle 3
Dear course participant,
· If you have previously enrolled in cycle 2 but could not complete the assignment submission or you scored less than 50%, then you need to enroll in BCBR cycle 3 to retake the course.
· You can still access your cycle 2 records from the course page.
· Please watch the tutorial on “How to migrate from cycle 2 (assignment incomplete /failed) to cycle 3 of the online BCBR course ( for more details.
-BCBR Team
Announcement for cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020) participants
Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun2020) : Delay in exam registration process Dear course participants, Your assignment scores for cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020) is available in the Progress tab of your course page. The marks displayed in the top set (Assignment 1 to Assignment 23) is for cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020). A minimum of 50% in consolidated assignment score is required to register for the final examination. The exam registration process and the final exam dates for cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020) are kept on hold by our technical partner NPTEL due to COVID-19 circumstances. Once the exam dates are finalized by NPTEL, you will receive an eligibility notification and the link for exam registration in your enrolled email ID. Stay tuned to the course page for exam related updates. -BCBR Team
Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020): Assignment evaluation changes
Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020 ): Assignment evaluation changes
Dear course participant,
This is to inform you about the changes in the evaluation of Basic Course in Biomedical Research cycle 2 assignment (Mar-June 2020). The following questions were identified to have issues in them and therefore they are not considered for scoring. For each lecture, the score obtained is calculated as a percentage based on the number of valid questions.
Details are given below:
Assignment 3: Literature review
Question no: 6. All the following are examples of databases EXCEPT
d) Google scholar
Remark: All the four options are examples of database.
Assignment 6: Analytical study designs
Question no: 3. Relative risk is a
a) Rate
b) Ratio
c) Proportion
d) None of the above
Remark: Correct answer is b) Ratio
Assignment 8: Validity of epidemiological studies
Question no: 2. Blinding in an epidemiological study is a way to deal with:
a) Chance
b) Selection Bias
c) Information Bias
d) Sampling Error
Remark: Both b) and c) options are correct.
Assignment 14: Study plan and project management
Question no: 2. Which of the following can be considered true in case of an ad hoc approach to conduct a research study?
a) Its advantages are the low development effort and possibility of getting results in a short time span
b) Its advantage is that the accuracy of the results is usually high
c) Only ‘a’
d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Remark: Both a) and c) options mean the same and are correct.
Assignment 20: Conducting Clinical Trials
Question No: 10. Which of the following are methods for identifying and preventing potential harm to study participants?
a) Adverse and serious adverse events reporting
b) Periodic review of the project by Data Safety Monitoring Board
c) Close watch on enrolment targets
d) Regular monitoring of the trial by a pre-identified monitoring agency
Remark: The question should have read “Which of the following is NOT a method for identifying and preventing potential harm to study participants?” for which the correct answer would have been option “c) Close watch on enrolment targets”
Last one day remaining for assignment submission
Assignment Submission for Basic Course in Biomedical Research - Cycle 2 (Mar - Jun 2020)
- The last date for assignment submission is 30 June 2020 (2020-06-30, 23:59 IST, Tuesday)
- A minimum of 50% in total assignment score is essential to register for the examination.
Announcement on session feedback
Session Feedback-Basic Course in Biomedical Research
Dear course participants,
Kindly give your lecture-wise feedback by clicking the highlighted "CLICK HERE" provided under the session feedback section.
Your feedback is of course completely anonymous. Your valuable feedback will be highly appreciated.
Last date for Assignment Submission
Assignment Submission for Basic Course in Biomedical Research - Cycle 2 (Mar - Jun 2020)
- The last date for assignment submission is 30 June 2020 (2020-06-30, 23:59 IST, Tuesday)
- A minimum of 50% in total assignment score is essential to register for the examination.
NPTEL Jan-Apr 2020 - Update about PASS Certificate
Dear Learner, The Assignment score sheet and Modified Pass certificate, if you are eligible for it, for the course "Basic course in Biomedical Research" have been generated. How to access Candidate login: Please login to (preferably in incognito mode) with the exam registered email ID to check the same. Average Assignment score is calculated as follows: Please check Candidate login for details. Modified pass certificate: If this score >= 50/100 (which is also one condition for certificate eligibility), we will issue a modified Pass certificate. If this score <50/100, this certificate will not be issued. Note: We have been advised by NIE that: THIS WILL BE YOUR YOUR FINAL CERTIFICATE No further exam will be conducted for this course by NPTEL on a future date 80% of the exam fees will be refunded. For any queries, please write to As announced earlier there will be NO dispatch of certificate hard copies. Also, the certificate publishing link for social media is currently disabled.
This announcement is only for those who registered for final exam(cycle 1).
Last date for Assignment Submission
Assignment Submission for Basic Course in Biomedical Research - Cycle 2 (Mar - Jun 2020)
- The last date for assignment submission is 30 June 2020 (2020-06-30, 23:59 IST, Tuesday)
- A minimum of 50% in total assignment score is essential to register for the examination.
NPTEL: Latest update on Exams for Jan 2020 semester
Dear learner,
This announcement is only for those who registered for final exam.
NPTEL Committee has decided to discontinue the Online Remote Proctored Exam Option.
Hence, you now have to choose between the following 2 options.
We will be conducting exams with TCS iON (like we normally do) for which you have to appear in person at the designated exam centre in the city chosen by you.
The current exam dates fixed for this are:
The above is subject to Government restrictions prevalent in various states at that point in time.
If you choose this option, the responsibility to reach the centre lies with you.
If the exams do get postponed due to unavoidable circumstances, exams may be conducted in August 2020 or maybe even as late as in October 2020.
If you choose to write the exam through this option and the exam is conducted by us in a particular city and you miss it, refund will NOT be possible as all arrangements would have been made with the vendor for the same and hence payment made to the vendor.
If you do pass the course as per the criteria mentioned, certificate will be the same as we normally give.
We will ensure you will be able to write the exams you have registered for without a clash in slots.
NPTEL, along with the exam partner, will make sure that exams are conducted by following appropriate social distancing norms and hygiene rules as required in the current situation.
We will try and ensure conduct of exam in the cities given in the list, but if in case for any unforeseen reason, we are unable to conduct the exam in the city chosen by you, we will refund 80% of the exam fee. In this case, you will not get the certificate from us.
Same final score calculation and pass criteria as mentioned in the Course introduction page will be applied and NPTEL certificates will be given as per that.
Exam fees will not be refunded if you select this option and later do not/cannot take the exam.
In the link given below, you may choose exam cities where you prefer to write exams.
NPTEL certificate will NOT be issued in this case and you will only get an attested assignment score sheet. We will create and share a letter stating the Assignment scores obtained in the course, by the end of June, 2020.
We will refund 80% of the exam fees you had paid, with 20% retained by NPTEL towards admin costs. Refund will be initiated only after exams are concluded (after June 25).
By default, your choice will be taken as: CANCEL AND REFUND
Link: (Please open from Incognito window)
For any queries, please write to
- NPTEL Team
NPTEL:New Exam dates and options for Jan-Apr 2020
Dear Learner,
NPTEL exams scheduled for 29 March, 25/26 April 2020 have not been conducted so far, owing to the prevailing situation.
We now have the following options for you for the courses chosen by you to write exams:
OPTION 1: REMOTE PROCTORED ONLINE EXAM (can be taken from your current residence or any other suitable place)
only need a laptop/desktop, webcam, mic and good internet connection to
take this exam. Possible dates :12 June 2020 to 21 June 2020 (actual
date for every course will be finalised once we get the number of
learners opting for this)
If you pass, you will be eligible for NPTEL course certificate
will be conducting exams with TCS iON (like we normally do) for which
you have to appear in person at the designated exam centre in the city
chosen by you.
The exam dates will be 23,24,25 June 2020 for this.
If you pass, you will be eligible for NPTEL course certificate
NPTEL certificate will NOT be issued in this case and you will only get an attested assignment score sheet.
Last date to fill this form: June 7 2020 - 10am
Link to the form
More details about the options:
Option 1: What is required to choose Online remote proctored exam?
We have finalized an online exam vendor with remote proctoring to conduct exams for those who have the following facilities:
- A laptop/desktop with webcam, audio and stable internet connection.
- You can write the exam from wherever you are.
- Please check system requirements shown below.

If you wish to take the remote proctored online exam online, please follow the following steps.
Mock Test
will receive an email with Link for a Mock Test. Please go ahead and
use this link to test your system requirements and compatibility.
- The duration of this Mock test will be 10 mins.
- This Mock Test has to be completed in order to check your system’s compatibility to take the remote proctored online exam.
- Hence, completing this Mock test is Mandatory for those who wish to take the remote proctored online exam.
- Those who do not complete the Mock Test successfully will not be able to participate in the remote proctored online exam.
If you are able to successfully complete the Mock test and submit the answers to the dummy questions, you can opt for the remote proctored online exam.
Please note:
If you are unable to complete the mock test (due to system infrastructure mismatch - webcam not working or insufficient internet speed,etc) we will not be able to include you for the online remote proctored exam.
Please choose the Backup option in case the trial for the online remote proctored exams to be held this week do not go well.You can either opt for in-person exams at designated centres or cancel the exam and take a refund.
We will be conducting exams with TCS iON (like we normally do) for which you have to appear in person at the designated exam centre in the city chosen by you.
The exam dates will be 23,24,25 June 2020 for this.
- We will ensure you will be able to write the exams you have registered for without a clash in slots.
- We, along with the exam partner, will make sure that exams will be conducted by following appropriate social distancing norms and hygiene rules as required in the current situation.
- It will be your responsibility to ensure that you reach the centre to give the exam.
- We will try and ensure conduct of exam in the cities given in the list, but if in case for any unforeseen reason, we are unable to conduct the exam in the city chosen by you, we will refund 80% of the exam fee and you will not get the certificate from us.
You can choose to cancel your exam and take a refund. We will refund 80% of the fee you have paid, retaining 20% towards administrative costs. An attested assignment score sheet will be issued to you in this case.
In this case, you will NOT get an NPTEL certificate for the course.
- Those of you graduating this year and who definitely need an NPTEL certificate - we suggest that you should make a serious effort in attempting this online remote proctored exam. As you know, the in-person-at-centre exam has a lot more dependencies on external factors. So please try to arrange for the systems per the requirements and attempt this online exam.
- The above 3 options can be exercised for each of the courses registered for individually.
- If you pass the course as per the certification criteria, the certificate will be the same as we normally give.
- You can choose either the online exam session or the in-person session to write the exam. If you miss that we will be unable to provide another opportunity to take up the exam this semester. The fees paid will be used towards this one session.
- Fees will not be refunded if you participate in this exam and then could not complete the exam for any reason whatsoever.
NPTEL team
Write to in case of queries. The office is not yet opened and phone lines are not yet operational and hence kindly email us.
Last few days remaining for enrollment
Few days remaining for enrollment in "Basic Course in Biomedical Research - Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)"
1. The last date for enrollment is 1st June 2020 23:59 IST (Monday)
2. To enroll please click on
3. No further extension of date for enrollment for the current cycle
4. Pass this information to your friends/colleagues who are not enrolled in this course
Basic course in Biomedical Research - NPTEL Exam Postponed
Dear learner,
Hope you are staying safe and keeping well.
Many of you have been wondering about the status of exams and writing to us or posting on the forums.
In view of the current situation all across the country, we are postponing the NPTEL exams that were scheduled to have happened on March 29,April 25 and April 26.
We are still unsure about the dates for conducting the same as it depends on how things change. We will keep you informed through email and sms as we finalise the options.
Once the dates are finalised, we will also allow you:
1. to cancel your exams if the future dates announced by us do not suit you
2. to change cities selected, if required.
Please check the course Announcement section, your email (spam/junk folders also) and ask your friends/college for updates so that you don't miss it.
Please write to for any clarifications/concerns.
Warm regards
Nptel team
Announcement on the importance of enrollment email id
· The participant who enroll in this course should use the same email id as the course undergoes the following processes
1. Enrollment
2. Submission of Assignments
3. Receiving the eligibility mail for examination registration
4. Examination registration
5. Receiving hall ticket
6. Proctored examination results
7. Collecting e-Certificates
· Do not use more than one email id for enrollment and assignment submission to avoid receiving multiple confusing information for proctored examination
· Assignment submitted using any other email id will not be taken into consideration towards the final consolidated score & certification
· You will receive all notifications related to the course to your enrolled email id only
· The responsibility of keeping the email id valid till the end of the course lies with the participant. Hence, it is recommended that the participant preserves the enrollment credentials (i.e., username and password) securely throughout the course
- BCBR Team
Announcement on queries by course participants
Post queries through e-mail
Dear course participants,
Due to the present lockdown condition amid COVID-19 pandemic, our staffs of Basic Course in Biomedical Research are working from home. Therefore, we will be unable to attend your telephonic queries until further notice. However, you can always reach us via email and send us your technical/administrative queries related to the course to this email address ( and we will gladly respond to the same at the earliest.
Happy learning and stay safe!
Announcement on submission of assignments for Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)
Submission of assignments for
Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 2
(Mar-Jun 2020)
· To access the assignments for lecture 1 to 23, Click on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)” under “Course outline” on the left side of the course page. “Quiz: Assignment” will be available under each lecture
· To view the steps for submitting the assignments Click:
· The deadline for submission of assignments (Cycle 2) is 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday)
· The assignments score will be shown only after the deadline (i.e., after 30 June 2020) in the “Progress” page
· It is recommended that all the assignments (Lecture 1- Lecture 23) are preferably submitted using desktop or laptop to avoid probable technical difficulty in submission of assignments through mobile application
- BCBR Team
Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2 (Mar-June 2020): Assignments for lecture 4 to lecture 23 is available now
Dear Course Participants,
You can now access the assignments for lecture 4 to lecture 23 of Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 2 (Mar-June 2020) in the course outline.
Wish you a happy learning experience!
- BCBR faculty
Announcement regarding 29 March 2020 exam postponement of Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 1(Sep-Dec 2019)
Dear Candidate
The email announcement that you received regarding postponement of Basic Course in Biomedical Research exam to be held on 29 March 2020 is only for participants who have registered to write the exam on this date.
Participants who registered for exam on 25/26 April 2020 kindly wait for further notice.
Basic course in Biomedical Research : March 29, 2020, NPTEL Exam Postponed
Dear Candidate
Thank you for registering course for March 29, 2020 NPTEL Exam.
Taking into consideration the current situation, we are postponing the NPTEL exam scheduled for March 29, 2020 exam.
We will keep you posted about the final date for the exam shortly. Please check your email/course announcement for further updates.
(We will revert on cancellation, city change, and other logistics once we finalize on our side. Till then request you to wait patiently)
- NPTEL team
Announcement on availability of assignments (lectures 4 to 23) for Basic Course in Biomedical research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)
Dear Course participants,
Release of assignments (lectures 4 to 23) for Basic Course in Biomedical research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Who is eligible for the online Basic Course in Biomedical Research (BCBR)?
Medical Postgraduates
As per the MCI notice dated 9 July 2019, BCBR is mandatory for Medical Postgraduates admitted from July 2019 onwards. Medical Postgraduates include those pursuing MD/MS/Diploma/MPH following their MBBS course and governed by Medical Council of India (MCI).
Medical Teachers
As per the Gazette of India notification dated 12 February 2020 for Minimum qualifications for teachers in medical institutions, BCBR is mandatory for medical teachers for their promotion.
Q2. I’m not a post graduate student or teacher from a medical college. Am I eligible to enrol in BCBR?
All the other interested candidates including students, clinical/ public health/ laboratory researchers, physicians, research associates, allied health professionals, scientists, statisticians, ethics committee members and project managers, can enroll into NIE’s online course- Health Research Fundamentals (Please follow ICMR-NIE website for the same) (
Q2. Please tell me about the enrolment process
· Step 1 – Go to
· Step 2 – Click on the tab "JOIN " seen on the right-hand corner
· Step 3 – Use Facebook, Google, Microsoft or SWAYAM account to login
· Step 4 – Fill “My Profile” and click SAVE
Q3. Can I change my profile after the enrolment is over?
Yes. Once you are sign in, you need to go to ‘MY PROFILE’ where option is available to ‘EDIT PROFILE’. Click there to edit your profile.
Q4. I have forgot my login ID and password after enrolment. How can I retrieve those?
Please use your regular Email as login ID. It is always advisable to remember your password. If you forget your password, you can retrieve your login credentials by using "Forgot your password?". However, if you forget the login ID, you will have to enroll again (With new login ID) for the course, before assignment submission deadline. (Ref. to Q5)
Q5. How shall I access the course and submit the assignments?
· Step 1: Sign in to the course page (
· Step 2: After signing in, click “Basic course in Biomedical Research” under Course outline in the top left of the course page.
· Step 3: In the left panel, all the 23 lectures will be available. Click to open the intended lecture.
· Step 4: At the end of the lecture find “Quiz: Assignment” for all the topics.
· Step 5: Click on any of the “Quiz: Assignment”. The assignment page will open.
· Step 7: Complete the assignment by choosing the appropriate answer.
· Step 8: Verify your answers before submitting and click “Submit Answers”.
· Step 9: The confirmation of submission will be displayed on the top of the page as “Thank you for taking the assignment”.
· For submitted assignments you could find the following message “Your last recorded submission was on Date, Time IST” under the Assignment topic.
· You may submit the assignments any number of times before the deadline. i.e., 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday). The one which last submitted will be considered for scoring.
· Each of the 23 lectures will have online assignments consisting of 10 multiple choice questions (MCQs). Thus ‘total assignment score’ sums to a maximum of 230.
· There is no negative mark.
Q5 How to ask queries on lectures?
You may follow the steps below for posting queries on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research”
While watching the video lectures
1. If you have any queries you may click on “Ask a question” below the video lecture.
2. You can then type a short description, followed by a question in the space provided.
3. You can then click on post question to submit your query/comment in the discussion forum.
After accessing the course materials
1. If you still have any queries/comments to be addressed after accessing the course material you can post them in the discussion forum.
2. The discussion forum can be accessed by clicking on “Ask a Question” tab in the menu bar of the “Basic Course in Biomedical Research” home page, followed by selecting the appropriate topic.
3. You can then type your query/comment in “click here to reply”. Once you have finished typing, click on “post” to get a response from Faculty/Teaching assistants.
4. Please post any queries that you have only in the discussion threads assigned for that particular lecture [for e.g., if you have a query related to lecture 22; you need to find a thread named: “Queries/comments for lecture 22. Elements of a protocol for research studies” and post your queries therein. This will help our Faculty/Teaching assistants in noticing immediately and addressing the queries expeditiously]
5. Once you post a query, our Teaching Assistants will respond to you.
6. Please confine your questions to the lectures. It is beyond our scope to respond to any other queries.
Q7. Can I download the course material?
Yes. Please follow the steps to access the course material.
1. Access course home page from the link:
2. Login using the e-mail ID that was used to enrol for the course
3. Click on your user ID on the right side of login page then click on "MY COURSES" tab
4. Your course page will open, click on "Go to course" tab
5. On the left panel, click on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research : Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)” tab
6. Click on the ‘Lecture’ you wish to view. This will take you to a new page where you can view the video and download the lecture handouts, reading/resource materials and the videos by clicking on the respective links given on that page
Q8. How will I know my assignment score?
If you click on the ‘Progress’ button on your course page, you will be able to know the lecture-wise assignment score. However, the score will be available only after the assignment deadline i.e., 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday).
Q9. Please tell me about the exam registration process
The registration for the certification exam will be open only to those course participants who will enrol for the course and who Secure more than or equal to 50% in total assignment score. A candidate has to pay a registration fee of 1000 INR. However, 50% of this fee will be waived for candidates belong to the SC/ST category, and persons with more than 40% disability. The exam related announcements will be made subsequently.
Announcement on Basic Course in Biomedical research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020) Assignments
Release of assignments (lecture 1-3) for Basic Course in Biomedical research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)
- The assignments for lecture 1, 2 and 3 are now available
- The assignments for lecture 4 to 23 will be released later
- The assignments consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
- Each topic has 10 MCQs
- Each MCQ carries one mark
- There is no negative marking
- The deadline for submission of assignments is 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday)
- You may submit the assignments any number of times before the deadline. i.e., 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday)
- The final submission will be considered for scoring
- Your score will be shown only after the assignment submission deadline (i.e., after 30 June 2020)
Announcement on Steps to Submit Assignments
· Step 1: After signing in, click “Basic course in Biomedical Research” under Course
outline in the top left of the course page.
· Step 2: At the end of the lecture, find “Quiz: Assignment” for each lecture.
· Step 3: Click on any of the “Quiz: Assignment”. The assignment page will open.
· Step 4: Complete the assignment by choosing the appropriate answer.
· Step 5: Verify your answers before submitting and click “Submit Answers”.
· Step 6: The confirmation of submission will be displayed on the top of the page
as “Thank you for taking the assignment”.
· For submitted assignments, you could find the following message “Your last recorded submission was on Date, Time IST” under the Assignment topic.
· You may submit the assignments any number of times before the deadline. i.e., 23:59 pm on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday). The one which last submitted will be considered for scoring.
· Each of the 23 lectures will have online assignments consisting of 10 multiple choice questions (MCQs) each. Thus ‘total assignment score’ sums to a maximum of 230.
· There is no negative mark.
Welcome message to course participants joined in Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020)
Welcome message to course participants
Dear course participants,
We thank you for joining the online course Basic Course in Biomedical Research Cycle 2 (Mar-Jun 2020). You can now access the course lectures.
Conceptualizing a research study
1. Introduction to health research – Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
2. Formulating research question, hypothesis and objectives – Dr. Manickam Ponnaiah
3. Literature review – Dr.P.Ganeshkumar
Epidemiological considerations in designing a research study
4. Measures of disease frequency – Dr.R.Ramakrishnan
5. Descriptive study designs – Dr. Prabhdeep Kaur
6. Analytical study designs – Dr. Manoj V.Murhekar
7. Experimental study designs - Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
8. Validity of epidemiological studies – Dr.Tarun Bhatnagar
9. Qualitative research methods – Dr.Tarun Bhatnagar
Bio-statistical considerations in designing a research study
10. Measurement of study variables -– Dr.R.Ramakrishnan
11. Sampling methods -– Dr.R.Ramakrishnan
12. Calculating sample size and power -– Dr.R.Ramakrishnan
Planning a research study
13. Selection of study population- Dr.P.Ganeshkumar
14. Study plan and project management – Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
15. Designing data collection tools - Dr.Tarun Bhatnagar
16. Principles of data collection - Dr. Prabhdeep Kaur
17. Data management - Dr. Manickam Ponnaiah
18. Overview of data analysis - Dr. Manickam Ponnaiah
Ethical issues in conducting a research study
19. Ethical framework for health research - Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
20. Conducting clinical trials - Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
Writing a research protocol
21. Preparing a concept paper for research projects - Dr. Manickam Ponnaiah
22. Elements of a protocol for research studies - Dr.Tarun Bhatnagar
23. Publication Ethics – Dr. Sirshendu Chaudhuri
Steps to access the course
- Access course home page from the link:
nd1_noc19_ge33/preview - Login using the e-mail ID that was used to enroll for the course
- Click on your user ID on the right side of login page then click on "MY COURSES" tab
- Your course page will open, click on "Go to course" tab
- Click on the specific topic to access the corresponding lectures on the left panel of the home page (below "Course outline")
- Please select “CLICK HERE” in session feedback under each lecture to submit your valuable feedback.
Wish you a happy learning experience!
Announcement on availability of previous assignments
Availability of answer keys of assignments for Cycle 1 (Sep-Dec 2019)
The assignment questions along with answer keys for Cycle 1 (Sep-Dec 2019) are available on your course page under
‘Cycle 1 (Sep-Dec 2019) Assignments’.
Announcement for participants who had secured less than 50% in total assignment score in Basic Course in Biomedical Research: Cycle 1 (Sep-Dec 2019)
exam registration
Announcement on Last date for exam registration
Attention for the eligible participants to register for certificate exam
Basic Course in Biomedical Research
· You can choose one of the three exam dates given in the drop down list (29 March, 25 April, 26 April) while filling the exam registration form
· Accordingly, the last date for exam registration will be as follows:
Date of examination chosen | Last date for submission of exam registration form (on or before) |
29 March 2020 | 21 Feb 2020 (Friday), 5:00 pm |
25 April 2020 | 20 March 2020 (Friday), 5:00 pm |
26 April 2020 | 20 March 2020 (Friday), 5:00 pm |
Announcement on Online Exam Pattern
Online Exam Pattern – Basic Course in Biomedical Research
· Pattern of online exam- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with one best answer. Questions are based on material from the lecture videos, lecture handouts, assignment questions, reading/resource materials, discussion forum.
· Total questions in the online exam – 100 (each question carries 1 mark). There is no negative marking.
· Duration of online exam - 3 hours. The candidates would be allowed to leave after minimum duration of 90 minutes.
· Few questions may need simple calculations. For this purpose, online TCS calculator would be available on the computer being used for examination.
Basic course in Biomedical Research : REGISTER TODAY - CERTIFICATION EXAM FORM IS OPEN NOW!!
1. The registration for the certification exam is open only to those learners who have enrolled in the course and Secured more than or equal to 50% in total assignment score.
- Certification April exam registration URL is:
in/ - Choose an exam session: Forenoon: 9.00 AM -12.00 PM; Afternoon: 2.00PM - 5.00 PM
- Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam cities
- Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate
- Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate.
7. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking.
The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by 2 weeks prior to the exam date - between March 20-25 2020. We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.
9. Data changes:
Following are the data that can be changed once the exam form is submitted (Last date for data changes: 21 Feb 2020, 5:00 PM):
Following are the data that can be changed once the exam form is submitted (Last date for data changes: 20 Mar 2020, 5:00 PM):
- Data that cannot be changed in form by candidates themselves once you saved your profile : Name, DOB, Address, College name, Role, Photo, Signature, Exam city.
- No changes will be entertained in any details for March 29 Exam after 21 Feb 2020, 5:00 PM.
- No changes will be entertained in any details for April 26/26 Exam after 20 Mar 2020, 5:00 PM
10. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: March 29 Exam: 21 Feb 2020, 5:00 PM and April 25/26 Exam: 20 Mar 2020, 5:00 PM
11. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline
Thanks & Regards,
User manual to fill up exam registration form
Please click here to download the user manual.