RBCDSAI Teaching Fellowship Program - REGISTER NOW !!
Dear Learner,
RBCDSAI Teaching Fellowship Program - REGISTER NOW !!
Link: https://rbcdsai.iitm.ac.in/
RBCDSAI DISTINGUISHED FELLOW COLLOQUIUM: https://rbcdsai.iitm.ac.in/events/rbcdsai-distinguished-fellow-colloquium/
RBCDSAI SEMINAR: https://rbcdsai.iitm.ac.in/events/rbcdsai-seminar-balaji-vasan/
RBCDSAI DISTINGUISHED FELLOW WORKSHOP: https://rbcdsai.iitm.ac.in/events/rbcdsai-distinguished-fellow-workshop/
- NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) :Thank you for learning with NPTEL!
NPTEL Coordinators would like to address all the candidates about this on-going semester, course run, exams, results, etc.
Please do not ask technical questions about the course content, Assignment, etc. as we will not be able to answer these.
Kindly fill this form with your queries which will be discussed during the LIVE session.
You may ask queries via the chat window during the session.
DAY: OCTOBER 23, 2019 (Wednesday)
TIME: 4:30pm
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) : Results for Sep 29 exams have been published
Dear Learner,
The results for Sep 29,2019 exams have been published.
You will be informed via mail and SMS about the release of exam results and e-certificates.
How to find out if results have been published?
To check the publishing status of exam scores and e-certificates, click on this link: http://bit.ly/septemberresults
How to check exam results & e-certificates:
To check the results & see your e-certificate, go to https://results.nptel.ac.in/
Login with the course enrolled e-mail id.
Clicking on the course name will redirect to the score board.
Click on Exam Scores - Both the Assignment scores and Exam score will be displayed.
Final score is the certification score.
Calculation Logic for each course is provided in the same page.
Reporting of errors
For each course, reporting of issues comes with its own deadline (date and time)
So check the exam score/e-certificate as soon as you receive our notification.
For any queries, please use this FAQ http://bit.ly/scoringfaq
If you want to lodge any issues about scores/e-certificates, you may do that in http://bit.ly/scoringerror
If you are unable to see the scores/e-certificates, please write to nptelexam@nptel.iitm.ac.in
Feedback For Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP)
Best of Luck for your Exam
Dear Learners,
Best of luck for your examination!
Course Admin
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 8 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 8 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 1 to 8 Feedback Form
Dear Learners,
Thank you for enrolling to this NPTEL course and we hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted the assignment.
We value your feedback and wish to know how you found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy, difficult, as per your expectations, etc
We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc.
Please do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions - should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for us as we know what the learners feel.
Here is the link to the form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Z1y5qWDIyk7xFvS630Das1QmOzq2LdyFCD1kY6j0Ii4/viewform
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 7 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 7 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Introduction to Machine Learning : Live session feedback
Learners are encouraged to visit bit.ly/NPTELLIVE for updates on the live sessions.
Introduction to Machine Learning : Video recording on Interactive session
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 6 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 6 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 8 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 8 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=61&lesson=62
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 8 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=61&assessment=88
The assignment has to be submitted on or before 2019-09-25, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning : Video recording on Interactive session
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 5 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 5 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 7 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 7 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=53&lesson=54
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 7 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=53&assessment=86
The assignment has to be submitted on or before 2019-09-18, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning- Week 6 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 6 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=45&lesson=46
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 6 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=45&assessment=84
The assignment has to be submitted on or before 2019-09-11, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP): Exam Type and Certificate Format
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 4 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 4 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Reg: Assignment 2 question no 7
Dear Students,
There is change in answer in assignment 2 question no-7. The re-evaluation will be done shortly. The updated score will be displayed in the Progress tab after re-evaluation.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 5 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 5 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=36&lesson=37
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 5 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=36&assessment=80
The assignment has to be submitted on or before 2019-09-04, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 2 & 3 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 2 & 3 are available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Reg: Assignment 3 question no 9
Reg: Assignment 2 question no 5
Announcement regarding ipynb for Tutorial 1
The first tutorial ipynb has been fixed . Thanks to Anirban Santara. Please check the same in the link. For all of you having problems installing dependencies, go through this link . This is a new initiative by Google to open public github repos in their colab.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Solution for Week 1 assignment
Dear Learners,
Detailed Solution for assignment 1 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 4 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 4 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=29&lesson=30
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 4 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=29&assessment=77
The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2019-08-28, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) : Due date for Assignment 2 Extended!
Based on requests received, we are extending the deadline of the assignment 2.
Deadline for Assignment 2 has been extended till August 21, 2019 - 23:59 IST
Assignment 1 will close on 14 August 2019 - 23:59 IST, as per the original deadline.
Introduction to Machine Learning- Week 2 Feedback Form
Dear Learners,
Thank you for enrolling to this NPTEL course and we hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted the assignment.
We value your feedback and wish to know how you found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy, difficult, as per your expectations, etc
We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc.
Please do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions - should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for us as we know what the learners feel.
Here is the link to the form: http://nptel.ac.in/noc/nocprofile/super_admin/weekly_feedback/form_login.php
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 3 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 3 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning. The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=21&lesson=22
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 3 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=21&assessment=74
The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2019-08-21, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) - Week 2 is live now!!
Dear Students
The lecture videos for Week 2 have been uploaded for the course Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=13&lesson=14
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Assignment for Week 2 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=13&assessment=73
The assignment has to be submitted on or before : Wednesday, 2019-08-14, 23:59 IST.
As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP): Steps to access the assignment through Mobile App
Dear Learners
Assignments have been released for all courses for week 1. If you are using the mobile app, please ensure you see the assignment link. If you don't, please do the following steps:
Step 1: Go to setting on your android phone
Step 2: Go to the “Apps” in the settings
Step3: You will get a list of apps. Click on Swayam app
Step 4: You will see app info. Go to the storage in the app info
Step 5: Click on clear data and clear cache button.
Step 6: Login again to the SWAYAM app using the credentials used to enroll in the course.
Please note that if the OS version in your Android phone is 6, the content may not show up properly. Kindly refer to the web version to ensure you see all the contents of the week and then proceed to use the app.
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 1 assignment is live now!!
Dear Learners,
The assignment for Week 1 for the course Introduction to Machine Learning is made available early for viewing to get an idea about the assignments but the actual start date of the course remains unchanged.
Assignment 1 can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=6&assessment=70
The other Assignment 1 is accessible from the navigation bar to the left under Week 1. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2019-08-14, 23:59 IST.
Please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
Happy Learning!
Introduction to Machine Learning - Week 1 videos are live now!!
Dear Learners,
The videos for Week 1 for the course Introduction to Machine Learning is made available early for viewing to get an idea about the content but the actual start date remains unchanged.
The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs52/unit?unit=6&lesson=7
The other lectures in this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).
Please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.
Happy Learning!
--NPTEL Team
Introduction to Machine Learning - Assignment-0-RELEASED
Dear Learners,
We welcome you all to this course. The assignment 0 for the course Introduction to Machine Learning has been released. This assignment is based on prerequisite of the course. Kindly note that marks obtained in this assignment will not be considered for the final assessment. You can find the assignment under Week 0 unit on the left-hand side of your screen You can submit the assignment multiple times before the due date.
The due date of the assignment is Aug 31, 2019, 23:59 hrs.
All the best !!
--NPTEL Team
Dear Learner,
Welcome to SWAYAM-NPTEL Online Course - Introduction to Machine Learning
Welcome to SWAYAM-NPTEL Online Courses and Certification!
- Every week, about 2.5 to 4 hours of videos containing content by the Course instructor will be released along with an assignment based on this. Please watch the lectures, follow the course regularly and submit all assessments and assignments before the due date. Your regular participation is vital for learning and doing well in the course. This will be done week on week through the duration of the course.
- Please do the assignments yourself and even if you take help, kindly try to learn from it. These assignment will help you prepare for the final exams. Plagiarism and violating the Honor code will be taken very seriously if detected during the submission of assignments.
- The announcement group - will only have messages from course instructors and teaching assistants - regarding the lessons, assignments, exam registration, hall tickets etc.
- The discussion forum (Ask a question tab on the portal) - is for everyone to ask questions and interact.Anyone who knows the answers can reply to anyone's post and the course instructor/TA will also respond to your queries. Please make maximum use of this feature as this will help you learn much better.
- If you have any questions regarding the exam, registration, hall tickets, results, queries related to the technical content in the lectures, any doubts in the assignments, etc can be posted in the forum section
- The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres.
- The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
- Date and Time of Exams: 29th September 2019 ,Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2pm to 5pm.
- Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
- The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then.
- Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.
- Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.
- Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100
- Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score