Week 1:
Module 1 : Green’s function
Module 2 : Lagrangian & Hamiltonian for fields
Module 3 : Functional integrals
Module 4 : Generic integrals
Week 2:
Module 1 : QFT1: Second quantization
Module 2 : Symmetries
Module 3 : Noether’s theorem
Week 3:
Module 1 : Complex scalar field
Module 2 : Propagators and perturbation theory
Module 3 : Feynman diagrams
Week 4:
Module 1 : Statistical field theory: Intro to statmech
Module 2 : Path integrals and partition function
Module 3 : Landau’s theory of phase transition
Week 5: Module 1 : Mean field theory
Module 2 : Wilson theory of phase transition; Fluctuations
Module 3 : Renormalization groups
Week 6:
Module 1 : Renormalization groups
Module 2 : Equilibrium vs. nonequilibrium
Module 3 : Energy transfers
Week 7:
Module 1 : QFT2: Intro to gauge theory
Module 2 : Intro to QED
Module 3 : Mass and charge renormalization
Week 8:
Module 1 : Higgs mechanism
Module 2 : Higgs mechanism
Module 3 : Asymptotic freedom
Week 9:
Module 1 : Classical field theory
Module 2 : Nonequilibrium behaviour
Module 3 : Dynamical critical phenomena
Week 10:
Module 1 : KPZ equation
Module 2 : Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau eqn.
Module 3 : Field theory of hydrodynamic Turbulence
Week 11:
Module 1 : Field theory of hydrodynamic Turbulence
Module 2 : Field theory of Euler Turbulence
Module 3 : Scalar turbulence
Week 12:
Module 1 : Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Module 2 : Comparation between QFT, SFT and classical field theory
Module 3 : Summary