Week 1 :
Introduction to light pulses and electromagnetic waves
Recap of differential equations and Fourier transforms
Week 2 :
Femtosecond laser pulse generation – methods and techniques
Metrology of femtosecond laser pulses – techniques and analysis
Week 3 :
Femtosecond laser systems – design and implementation
Primer on nonlinear optics – second- and third-harmonic generation, phase-matching
Week 4 :
Generation of few-cycle optical pulses; Carrier-envelope phase, frequency and their measurement;
Application of CEP phase metrology to light-field driven electronics;
Week 5 :
Interim review and discussions
Beyond perturbative nonlinear optics – multi-photon and tunnel-ionization;
Week 6 :
Theoretical basis of strong-field physics – basic concepts and application to high-harmonic generation;
Electron wavepackets – basic concepts;
Week 7 :
High-order harmonic generation – genesis of attosecond pulse generation;
Metrology of attosecond pulse trains – RABBITT technique;
Week 8 :
Theoretical treatment of RABBITT technique
Generation of isolated Attosecond pulses;
Week 9 :
Streaking and metrology of isolated attosecond pulses;
Application of streaking to chronoscopy - Time-delays in photoionization;
Week 10 :
Coherent dynamics on the attosecond timescale – Fano and Lorentz lineshape and their control;
High-harmonic generation in solids – metrology and spectroscopy;
Week 11 :
Future directions – zeptosecond physics, free-electron lasers and attosecond electron pulses.
Week 12 :
Term paper and seminar presentations
Term paper and seminar presentations