Week 1: Reviews of Classical Physics, Lagrangian Formalism, Special Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction, Time Dilation, Lorentz Transformation, Mass Energy Equivalence
Week 2: Structure of an Atom, Bohr quantization, Angular momentum, Rurtherford Scattering, Correspondence Principle, Spectral lines, Blamer, Lyman, Bracket, Pfund series
Week 3: Stern Gerlach Experiment, Planck’s Radiation law, Wave-particle duality, de Broglie relation, Photoelectric and Compton Effects, Probabilistic interpretation, Uncertainty Principle, Phase and Group velocities
Week 4: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, superposition principle, Dirac’s bra-ket notation, Solution of Schroedinger equation in one-dimensional problems, Particle in a box, Barrier transmission problems, Harmonic Oscillator, Bound states
Week 5: Solution of Schroedinger equation in 3D. Hydrogen atom, degeneracies, Elementary ideas of Perturbation theory, splitting of energy levels, Stark and Zeeman effects
Week 6: Time dependent perturbation theory, Einstein’s A, B coefficients, Stimulated Emission and Absorption, Electron spin, spin-orbit coupling, Total Angular Momentum, LS, JJ Coupling, Clebsch-Gordon coefficients
Week 7: Basics of electromagnetism, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Poynting Vector, Maxwell’s equations, Propagation of electro-magnetic waves in vacuum and medium
Week 8: Statistical description of matter, Elementary idea about ensembles, Microcanical, Canonical and Grand canonical ensembles, Liouville’s Theorem, Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB), Bose-Einstein (BE) and Fermi-Dirac (FD) distributions,
Week 9: Applications of Bose Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC), properties of free Fermi Gas, Pauli paramagnetism
Week 10: Solid State Physics, Lattice vibration, Specific heat of solids, Semiconductors, p and n type semiconductors, elementary ideas of Magnetism and Superconductivity
Week 11: Elementary Nuclear Physics, Binding energy, Shell model, Liquid drop model, Nuclear forces, Radioactivity, half-life, alpha, Beta and gamma decay, Fission and Fusion
Week 12: A short introduction to Elementary particles, Leptons and quarks, Elements of the Standard Model.