Week 1: NMR spin physics, concepts, chemical shifts
Week 2: J couplings, splitting patterns, analysis of 1H, 13C and the spectra of other heteronuclei
Week 3: Fourier series, transformation, FT of different functions, Theorems of FT, Use of FT theorems in NMR, Pople nomenclature, Quantum mechanical analysis of spectra of two coupled spins
Week 4: Wave functions, product functions of weakly coupled spin systems, othronormalization, Hamiltonian for uncoupled spins, coupled spins, eigen values and eigen functions, strongly coupled spin systems. RF pulse, pulse phase, precession of magnetization under 90, 180 and 360 pulses and their phases, absorption and dispersive signals, FT of cosine and sine functions, phase cycling
Week 5: Polarization transfer, SPT and SPI for homo and heteronuclear spin systems, INEPT sequence, coupled and decoupled INEPT, DEPT sequences, coherence transfer pathways, selection of particular pathway in different sequences, phase cycling
Week 6: Phases of pulses and receivers, multiple pulse sequences, PFGs, and selection of coherence transfer pathways using gradients, in homo and heteronuclear cases, use of gradients for removal of pulse artifacts, purge pulse, etc. selective inversion, relaxation concepts
Week 7: T1 relaxation phenomenon and its deeper concepts, correlation times, relaxation processes, measurement of T1, T¬2 relaxation, spin echo experiment
Week 8: Decoupling and NOE, concepts and the factors governing NOE. Product operators, concept of product operators, product operators in understanding rotations. Hamiltonians and evolution of couplings, chemical shifts Hamiltonians and free precession
Week 9: Product Operator analysis of one pulse experiment, spin echoes in coupled and uncoupled spins, operators for two coupled spins, free precession Hamiltonian for two coupled spins, evolution of inphase and antiphase terms, heteronuclear spin echoes, coherence transfer, INEPT using product operators
Week 10: Concepts of different 2D experiments, general interpretation of 2D experiments, discussion on the COSY, limitations of COSY experiment, different COSY sequences, DQF COSY, TOCSY, coupled and decoupled HSQC, HMBC, INADEQUATE
Week 11: Multiple Quantum NMR, DQ and SQ transitions, and their detection. Higher quantum spectra in coupled spin systems, spin system filtering, spin state selection, measurement of relative signs of the couplings, Introduction to NMR spectra of solids
Week 12: Solid state NMR, MAS, spin space averaging, decoupling in solids, cross polarization, CRAMPS, side bands, VSMAS, CP at high speeds