Week 1 :
Lec 01 Operations Analytics: Introduction
Lec 02 Operations Analytics Applications
Lec 03 Descriptive Analytics
Lec 04 Predictive Analytics: Forecasts based on historical demand data
Lec 05 Predictive Analytics: Exponential Smoothing and Regression Analysis
Week 2:
Lec 06 Predictive Analytics: Estimation of Errors in Forecasting
Lec 07 Exponential Smoothing with Trend and Seasonality
Lec 08 Exponential Smoothing (Winter’s Model)
Lec 09 Inventory Management and Uncertainties
Lec 10 Managing Uncertainty through Safety Inventory
Week 3:
Lec 11 Supply Uncertainty, Quantity Discounts and Production Lot Sizing
Lec 12 Decision Making under Uncertainty: Decision Tree
Lec 13 Decision Tree Example
Lec 14 Monte Carlo Simulation for Inventory Management
Lec 15 Newsvendor problem: Optimal Stocking Quantity in a Single Period
Week 4:
Lec 16 Optimal Stocking Quantity in a Single Period: Continued
Lec 17 Optimal Product Availability in Continuous Stocking
Lec 18 Material Requirements Planning
Lec 19 Material Requirements Planning (Continued)
Lec 20 Improvements in Material Requirements Planning
Week 5:
Lec 21 Pricing and Revenue Management: Introduction
Lec 22 Levels and Strategy of Revenue Management
Lec 23 Case of Constrained Supply – Part -A
Lec 24 Case of Constrained Supply – Part-B
Lec 25 Booking Control and Nesting
Week 6:
Lec 26 Managing Cancellations and Two- Class model
Lec 27 Capacity Allocation
Lec 28 Capacity Allocation: Two-class and Multiclass Models
Lec 29 Multiclass Models: EMSR-a and EMSR-b
Lec 30 EMSR-a and EMSR-b: Illustration on Excel
Week 7:
Lec 31 Network Management
Lec 32 Network Management: Virtual Nesting
Lec 33 Network Management: Virtual Nesting Illustration
Lec 34 Overbooking
Lec 35 Overbooking Polices
Week 8:
Lec 36 Revenue Management and Price Based
Lec 37 Single- Product Dynamic Pricing Without Replenishment
Lec 38 Auctions
Lec 39 Markdown Pricing
Lec 40 Markdown Pricing and Conclusion