Week 1 : L1 - Introduction to Operations Management;
L2 - Operations Strategy in a global economy ;
L3 - Opera n tions Management and Productivity,
L4 - Types and Characteristics of Manufacturing and Service Systems
L5 - Product Desig
Week 2 : L1 - Introduction to Forecasting
L2 - Introduction to Time-series forecasts
L3 - Extrapolative methods I
L4 - Extrapolative methods I I
L5- Forecasting Error
Week 3 : L1 - Causal Methods of forecasting
L2 - Qualitative Methods of Forecasting
L3 - Introduction to Inventory Management
L4 - Various costs involved in inventory management
L5 - EOQ Models of Inventory Management
Week 4 : L1 - Various variations of EOQ
L2 - Inventory Models with Uncertain Demand -I
L3 - Inventory Models with Uncertain Demand -II
L4 - Miscellaneous Systems and Issues
L5 - Inventory Control and Supply Chain Management
Week 5 : L1 - Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning
L2 - Aggregate planning Techniques
L3 - Material requirement Planning
L4 - Improvements in the MRP system
L5 - Lot Sizing in MRP Systems
Week 6 : L1 - Nature of Quality
L2 - Evolution of Quality Management
L3 - Modern Quality Management
L4 - Total Quality Management
L5 - Statistical Concepts in Quality Control
Week 7 : L1 - Acceptance Sampling
L2 - 7 QC Tools
L3 - Introduction to Six Sigma
L4 - Quality Function Deployment
L5 - Quality issues in Services
Week 8 : L1- Facility Capacity
L2- Facility Location
L3- Facility Layout I
L4- Line Balancing
L5- Cellular Layout
Week 9 : L1 - Service Facility Layout
L2 - JIT Manufacturing
L3 - Lean Manufacturing
L4 - Kanban Production System
L5 - Case Discussions on JIT and Lean Philosophy
Week 10 : L1 - Maintenance Management
L2 - Total Productive Maintenance
L3 - Introduction to Project Management
L4 - PERT and CPM
L5 - Project Risk Management
Week 11 : L1 - Process Analysis
L2 - Job Design and work Measurement
L3 - Manufacturing Process selection and Design
L4 - Service Process Selection and Design
L5 - Business process Reengineering
Week 12 : L1 - Supply Chain Strategy
L2 - Measuring Supply Chain performance
L3 - Case discussion of Supply Chain Management
L4 - Contemporary Issues in Operations management
L5 - Framework for Operations Strategy Formulation