The main objective of the current MOOC on Processing of Polymers and Polymer Composites course is to impart an understanding of the manufacturing science and engineering of polymers and polymer composites which is usually not covered at the UG level. The course deals with the study of the basic nature of different polymers and polymer composites and the manufacturing processes associated thereof. The classification of engineering materials and processing techniques, the structure and mechanical properties of plastics, thermoplastics and thermosets, the various processing techniques of polymers such as Extrusion, Injection molding, Thermoforming, Compression molding and Transfer molding have been explained with the relevant and specific examples. The fundamental concept and classification of composite materials, properties of composites and the primary as well as secondary processing methods of polymeric matrix composites have been explained in detail. The various issues, challenges and opportunities in primary and secondary processing of polymers and polymer composites has also been explained.
- UG/ PG Students of Mechanical Engineering., Production Engineering, Chemical Engineering.,
- Polymer Science and Engineering Textile Technology, Working Professionals in plastics and related industries. It is a core course for UG/PG Students.
PREREQUISITES : No-prerequisite, any student enrolled for a UG/PG degree in any discipline of mechanical engineering, production engineering, polymer technology, chemical engineering and chemistry can complete the course.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT : All industries where polymer and polymer composite products are being, designed, developed and used. Such as automobile, aerospace and defense.