Week 1: Module 1: Introduction: Sound, Noise, and Vibrations; Human response to noise; Requirements for Noise control.
Week 2: Module 2: Acoustic Fundamentals: Sound wave propagation; acoustic wave equation; reflection, transmission, absorption, impedance; Intensity and Power; Wave-structure interaction – Radiation, Impact
Week 3: Module 2: Acoustic Fundamentals:Sound wave propagation; acoustic wave equation; reflection, transmission, absorption, impedance; Intensity and Power; Wave-structure interaction – Radiation, Impact.(Cont,..)
Week 4: Module 3: Sound Signal Analysis: Decibel levels; Time and frequency domain representation; Octave and one-third octave distributions.
Week 5: Module 4: Noise Measurement and Instrumentation: Sound measuring equipment – microphones, preamplifiers, sound level meters, noise dosimeters, Spectrum analysers; Measurement Standards and guidelines.
Week 6: Module 5: Principles of Noise Control: Source-path-receiver model; Control strategies and limitations; Noise criteria of spaces; integrated approach to low noise design; Passive noise control; Active noise control.
Week 7: Module 5: Principles of Noise Control: Source-path-receiver model; Control strategies and limitations; Noise criteria of spaces; integrated approach to low noise design; Passive noise control; Active noise control.(Cont,..)
Week 8: Module 6: Noise control materials: Barriers, enclosures, absorbers,resonators and metamaterials; Measures of noise control performance.
Week 9: Module 6: Noise control materials:Barriers, enclosures, absorbers, resonators and metamaterials; Measures of noise control performance.(Cont,..)
Week 10: Module 7: Noise in Mechanical Systems: Typical mechanical noisesources; mechanism of noise generation– vibration, impact, flow excitation,etc; Control of structure-borne vs air-borne noise.
Week 11: Module 8: Case studies: Noise control in reciprocating and rotatingmachinery - gears, bearing, engines; noise control in fluid flow systems -piping systems, HVAC appliance, aircrafts; Impact noise control - machinetools, presses; Environmental noise control and receiver protection.
Week 12: Module 8: Case studies:Noise control in reciprocating and rotating machinery - gears, bearing, engines; noise control in fluid flow systems - piping systems, HVAC appliance, aircrafts; Impact noise control - machine tools, presses; Environmental noise control and receiver protection.(Cont,..)