Week 1: Introduction and basic concepts Energy, Energy transfer and energy analysis
Week 2: Properties of Pure Substances, Physics of phase change processes, Property diagrams (P-v, T-v, and P-T), introduction to property table and its usage. Ideal gas and its equation of state. Application of ideal gas equation of state. Introduce compressibility factor.
Week 3: Energy analysis of closed system: moving boundary work, energy balance of closed systems, internal energy, enthalpy and specific heats.
Week 4: Mass and Energy Analysis of open systems.
Week 5: The second law of thermodynamics: Heat Engines, Refrigerators and Heat Pumps, Reversible and irreversible process, Carnot principles and cycle.
Week 6: Entropy: Increase in the entropy principle, isentropic process, isentropic efficiencies of steady-flow, entropy balance.
Week 7: Exergy Analysis: work potential of energy, second law efficiencies, exergy change of a systems, exergy balance.
Week 8: Gas power, Vapor and Combined power cycles.
Week 9: Refrigeration cycles.
Week 10: Thermodynamic Property Relation.
Week 11: Gas mixture (ideal vs. real), Gas-Vapor mixture.
Week 12: I Law Application to Chemically Reacting Systems, Chemical Equilibrium and phase transition