Week 1:
1) Introduction
2) Derivation of entropy change of control volume, entropy generation due to internal irreversibility.
3) Worked examples on entropy change of control volume and entropy generation.
4) Worked examples on entropy change of control volume and entropy generation.
5) Work interaction of internally reversible steady flow processes
6) Tutorial – 1, Entropy change of a control volume
Week 2: Tutorials – 2 & 3, Entropy change of a control volume, Work interaction of internally reversible steady flow processes
Week 3:
1) Exergy of a system
2) Derivation of exergy of system, exergy transfer and exergy change
3) Exergy transfer and exergy change for system and control volume.
4) Worked examples on exergy transfer and exergy change of system.
5) Worked examples on exergy transfer and exergy change of control volumes.
6) Tutorial – 4, Exergy transfer and exergy change of a system
Week 4: Tutorials – 5 & 6, Exergy transfer and exergy change of a system and control volume
Week 5:
1) Thermodynamic cycle –Rankine cycle
2) Open feed water heater in Rankine cycle
3) Closed feed water heater and super critical Rankine cycle
4) Air standard cycle- Basic Brayton cycle
5) Worked examples on basic Brayton cycle.
6) Brayton cycle with intercooling and Reheat.
Week 6:
1) Worked example on Brayton cycle with intercooling and reheat.
2) Brayton cycle with reheat, regeneration and intercooling.
3) Air standard Otto cycle and worked example of air standard Otto cycle.
4) Air standard Diesel cycle
5) Worked example of air standard Diesel cycle
6) Ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle and worked example
Week 7:
1) Psychrometry – Introduction, Moist air
2) Worked examples on moist air.
3) Application of first law to psychrometric process and worked examples.
4) Wet bulb and adiabatic saturation temperature and worked examples.
5) Tutorial – 7, Psychrometry
Week 8:
1) Air conditioning process, Psychrometric chart
2) Worked example on psychrometric chart
3) Adiabatic mixing of two streams, cooling tower
4) Tutorials – 8 & 9, Air conditioning process, Psychrometric chart
Week 9:
1) Combustion Thermodynamics – Stoichiometry, excess air
2) Enthalpy of formation and sensible enthalpy
3) Tutorials – 10 & 11, Stoichiometry, enthalpy of formation, sensible enthalpy
Week 10:
1) Enthalpy of combustion and calorific value and worked examples.
2) Adiabatic flame temperature and entropy generation in combustion
3) Tutorials – 12 & 13, Enthalpy of combustion, adiabatic flame Temperature and entropy generation in combustion
Week 11:
1) Compressible flow through nozzles – Compressibility and compressible flow
2) Governing equation, acoustic wave propagation speed
3) Mach number, sonic and stagnation state
4) Illustration of states in the T-s and P-v diagram
5) Normal shock waves, Illustration of normal shock solution in the T-s and P-v diagram
6) Worked example on shock wave
7) Tutorial – 14, Normal shock waves
Week 12:
1) Quasi one dimensional analysis, choked flow
2) Flow through a convergent nozzle
3) Flow through a convergent divergent nozzle
4) Worked example on convergent divergent nozzle
5) Flow of steam through nozzles
6) Worked example on flow of steam through nozzles