Week 1:Fundamentals of Interest Rate
Fixed income securities
Term structure of Interest rate-I
Term structure of Interest rate-II
Optimization problems in Finance
Week 2:Crash course on Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization
Marketing Model & Related Issues
The Capital Asset Pricing Model-I
The Capital Asset Pricing Model-II
Week 3:The Basics of Financial Markets & Financial Derivatives
Binomial Trees and Arbitrage
Pricing Options using Binomial Trees-I
Pricing Options using Binomial Trees-II
Girsanov's Theorem
Week 4:Black Scholes Formula:The Risk Neutral Approach
More on Black Scholes Formula
Dividend Paying Stocks
Pricing Forwards & Futures-I
Pricing Forwards & Futures-II
Week 5:
Basic Probability
Interesting problems in Probability
Random variables, Distribution Functions and Independence
Chebyshev's Inequality, Borel-Cantelli Lemmas and related issues
Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
Week 6:
Conditional Expectation
Brownian Motion
Week 7:
Ito Integral
Ito Calculus
Week 8:
Ito Integral in Higher Dimensions
Applications of Ito Integral
Black-Scholes Formula