Week 1 : Introduction to queues, measures of system performance, characteristics of queueing systems, Little’s law and other general results; Transforms and generating functions
Week 2 : Stochastic processes overview, discrete-time Markov chains, classification and long-term behaviour
Week 3 : Continuous-time Markov chain, birth-death processes, Poisson process and exponential distribution
Week 4 : Birth-death queueing systems: Single-server queues, multiserver queues, finite-capacity queues
Week 5 : Birth-death queueing systems: Loss systems, infinite-server queues, finite-source queues, state-dependent queues, queues with impatience, overview of transient analysis and busy period analysis
Week 6 : Non-birth-death Markovian queueing systems: Bulk input queues, bulk service queues, Erlangian models
Week 7 : Priority queues, retrial queues, discrete-time queues
Week 8 : Queueing networks: Series, open Jackson networks
Week 9 : Queueing networks: Closed Jackson networks, cyclic queues, extensions of Jackson networks
Week 10 : Renewal and semi-Markov processes; Semi-Markovian queues
Week 11 : Semi-Markovian queues: Single server and multiserver general service and general input models
Week 12 : General queueing models, queues with vacations