Week 1: Introduction
Module 1.1: Why study economic growth
Module 1.2: Placing this course in context of other courses in Economics
Module 1.3: The distinction between short-run fluctuations and the long-run economic growth
Module 1.4: Course objective, course content, and expected learning outcomes
Module 1.5: The stylized facts of economic growth
Week 2: Measuring and comparing economic growth
Module 2.1: GDP at levels versus GDP growth
Module 2.2:Various methods to measure economic growth
Module 2.3: Role of proxy variables in measuring economic growth
Module 2.4:What can we learn from data
Week 3: A framework for analysis
Module 3.1: An introduction to the Solow Growth Model
Module 3.2:Augmented Solow Growth Model
Module 3.3: Policy implications of the Solow Growth Model
Week 4: Convergence, Productivity, and New growth models
Module 4.1: Unconditional and conditional convergence
Module 4.2:Growth accounting
Module 4.3:Development accounting
Module 4.4: Limitations of the Solow Growth Model and the emergence of New Growth models