Week 1: Human speech apparatus - Articulation of vowels and consonants, representation of sounds.
Week 2: Sounds of the world’s languages: Language endangerment and language varieties
Week 3: Properties of sound: Acoustic analysis: Fourier transform, source-filter theory Resonance, spectrograms, vowels and vowel charts Acoustic properties of consonants and vowels
Week 4: Speech perception:Basic overview of speech perception Categorical perception, VOT and phonetic knowledge Linguistic knowledge Phonetic coherence
Week 5: Identifying phonemes Phonemic analysis: phonemes, allophones, free variants Sonority, Syllables & principles of syllabification
Week 6: Natural class of sounds Distinctive Features & their hierarchical organization Markedness & Underspecification Rewrite rules and rule ordering
Week 7: Phonological alternations Phonological processes (word level processes such as harmony, other local assimilation processes, voicing alternations etc.)Principles of phonological analysis and Morphophonemic rules
Week 8: Suprasegmentals: pitch, intensity and duration Tone languages and pitch accent languages Intonation – sentence level prosody Intonational phonology