Lecture 1 - Introduction of the Course
Lecture 2 - What is linguistics? What is language? How do we study language?
Lecture 3 - Language and arbitrariness, and language and dialect
Lecture 4 - E vs I language, Language as a rule-governed system
Lecture 5 - Language faculty, Language in human mind
Lecture 6 - How do we learn language?
Lecture 7 - Language acquisition
Lecture 8 - Innateness: Some essential concepts
Lecture 9 - Structure of language at the level of sounds
Lecture 10 - Sounds (vocal apparatus)
Lecture 11- Places and manners of articulation
Lecture 12 - Word formation / phonotactic rules
Lecture 13 - Rules of word formation (singular – plural)
Lecture 14 - Sentence: An introduction
Lecture 15 - Making of a sentence (components)
Lecture 16 - Grammaticality and acceptability
Lecture 17 - Subject and verb in a sentence
Lecture 18 - Sentence: Objects and verbs
Lecture 19 - Phrase structure
Lecture 20 - X-bar theory
Lecture 21 - Specifier and complement
Lecture 22 - Compliments and adjuncts
Lecture 23 - VP components
Lecture 24 - Category selections, Selectional restrictions on verbs
Lecture 25 - Thematic relations
Lecture 26 - Case
Lecture 27 - Morphological and abstract case
Lecture 28 – Structural case
Lecture 29 - Exceptional Case Marking
Lecture 30 - Movement
Lecture 31 - Motivations for movement
Lecture 32 - Questions and movement
Lecture 33 - Passives and NP movement
Lecture 34 - Movement and raising
Lecture 35 – Binding theory and NP interpretations
Lecture 36 - Principles of binding theory
Lecture 37 - Constraints on movements
Lecture 38 - Structure of language and negation
Lecture 39 - Negation and negative polarity items
Lecture 40 - Structure, language, cognition and pragmatics
Lecture 41 - History of generative paradigm in the study of language
Lecture 42 - Language in society, education, and culture