This course will be a PG-level course to be offered, e.g. to first-year MTech and PhD students in electrical and Chemical Engineering. Following topics are intended to be covered in this course:
Concept of state variable, output variable and input variable Standard state-space representation of dynamic systems Mathematical Modeling of dynamic systems from first principles and representation into standard state-space form Solution of state-equations, Simulation Representation of Transfer Function into canonical state-space forms Controllability, Observability; Methods of Controllability and observability test, Controllability sub-space, Observability sub-space, Stabilizability Canonical decomposition Lyapunov stability State & Output Feedback, Observer Design, Introduction to State estimation using
Kalman filter
Multirate output feedback
Case studies: (1) CSTR (2) Nuclear Reactor
Outcome: One can learn and develop the following competence after undergoing this
• to express mathematical models of physical systems into the standard state space
• explore the open-loop characteristics by obtaining the solution of state equations,
• assess the controllability, observability and stability properties,
• design of controllers based on output and state feedback techniques and
implementation of the same using the states estimated by an observer/state estimator,
• design of controllers based on multirate output feedback techniques
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Students, Research scholars seeking advanced knowledge/ pursuing research in the area of Control and Estimation
PREREQUISITES: Basic course in Control Systems theory
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Useful for Avionics/Space, Nuclear, Chemical industries and R&D institutions engaged in research in such sectors