Week 1: Introduction
Origin of Wavelets
Haar Wavelet
Dyadic Wavelet
Dilates and Translates of Haar Wavelets
L2 norm of a function
Week 2: Piecewise Constant Representation of a Function
Ladder of Subspaces
Scaling Function of Haar Wavelet
Demonstration: Piecewise constant approximation of functions
Vector Representation of Sequences
Properties of Norm
Parseval's Theorem
Week 3: Equivalence of functions & sequences
Angle between Functions & their Decomposition
Additional Information on Direct-Sum
Introduction to Filter Bank
Haar Analysis Filter Bank in Z-domain
Haar Synthesis Filter Bank in Z-omain
Week 4: Moving from Z-domain to frequency domain
Frequency Response of Haar Analysis Low pass Filter bank
Frequency Response of Haar Analysis High pass Filter bank
Ideal Two-band Filter bank
Disqualification of Ideal Filter bank
Realizable Two-band Filter bank
Demonstration: DWT of images
Week 5: Relating Fourier transform of scaling function to filter bank
Fourier transform of scaling function
Construction of scaling and wavelet functions from filter bank
Demonstration: Constructing scaling and wavelet functions
Conclusive Remarks and Future Prospects