Week 1: Lectures 1 to 5: Introduction to spectroscopy, different types of spectroscopic methods, General Process for Structure Elucidation of an Unknown, Spectral Interpretation, brief discussion on all spectroscopic and analytical methods.
Week 2: Lectures 6 – 10: Introduction to NMR, Basic aspects, nuclear spin, magnetic field, shielding, NMR signals, NMR spectrometer, Proton NMR, NMR spectra of simple molecules, chemical shifts, coupling constants etc.
Week 3: Lectures 10 – 15: 1H NMR: 1H NMR spectra of organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds, different types of couplings. Compounds with other NMR active nuclei such as 11B, 19F, 31P and their interactions and couplings. Analysis and interpretation of numerous examples.
Week 4: Lectures 15 – 20: 13CNMR, brief introduction, interpretation of 13C NMR spectra. 31P NMR, brief introduction. Interpretation and analysis of 31P NMR spectra of phosphorus compounds, phosphines, coordination compounds and organometallic compounds containing organophosphorus ligands.
Week 5: Lectures 20 – 25: Studying reaction mechanisms using 1H and 31P NMR spectral data. Complex spectra containing several NMR active nuclei and understanding the splitting patterns.
Week 6: Lectures 25 – 30: Multinuclear NMR, Discussion on various NMR active nuclei other than 1H, 13C and 31P. NMR spectra of compounds containing lithium, boron, silicon, selenium, tungsten, rhodium and platinum.
Week 7: Lectures 30 – 35: UV-visible spectroscopy: microstates, term symbols, determining ground term. Selection rules, Spin-orbit coupling, classification of d-d transitions. Orgel diagram, TS-diagram. Charge transfer transitions.
Week 8: Lectures 35 – 40: Interpretation of electronic spectra of coordination compounds, d1— d9 system. Examples for each system. Application of UV-visible spectroscopy in understanding inorganic reaction mechanism.
Week 9: Lectures 40 – 45: IR spectroscopy, Brief introduction, Interpretation of IR spectra of inorganic, organic and organometallic compounds. Summary.
Week 10: Lectures 45 – 50: IR spectroscopy continued with more examples: Elucidation of structures using a combination of NMR, UV-visible and IR spectral data. Examples of inorganic, organic and organometallic compounds.
Week 11: Lectures 50 – 55: Mass spectrometry: Brief introduction, fundamentals of mass spectrometry. Different methods, Data interpretation. Examples of inorganic, organic and organometallic compounds.
Week 12: Lectures 55 – 60: Other applications and summarizing all spectroscopic methods.