Week 1: Introduction to Digital Design and Switching Algebra
Lecture 1: Introduction to Digital Design
Lecture 2: Switching Algebra
Lecture 3: Number Systems
Week 2: Number Systems and Binary Codes
Lecture 4: Number Systems: Conversion of Bases
Lecture 5: Number Systems: Sign representation,
Lecture 6: 2's complement addition
Lecture 7: Binary Codes
Week 3: Minimization of Switching functions
Lecture 8: Minimization of Boolean functions: Karnaugh Map
Lecture 9: Prime Implicants and Essential Prime Implicants
Lecture 10: Tabulation method
Lecture 11: Prime implicant chart and its reduction, Branching method
Week 4: Multi-level Logic Optimization Heuristic Based Logic
Lecture 12: ESPRESSO: Heuristic-based Logic Optimization
Lecture 13: Prime Implicants and Essential Prime Implicants
Lecture 14: Multi-level Logic Minimization using Prime Implication Chart
Week 5: Introduction to Verilog
Lecture 15: Verilog(Cont)
Lecture 16: Verilog(Cont)
Lecture 17: Verilog
Week 6: Combinational Logic Design: Part 1
Lecture 18: Code Conversion, Parity Checker, Comparator
Lecture 19: Multiplexer, Decoder Decimal Decoder,
Lecture 20: Full-Adder, Ripple Carry Adder
Week 7: Combinational Logic Design: Part 2
Lecture 21: Carry Look ahead adder
Lecture 22: Sign adder, Add/Sub,
Lecture 23: BCD Adder, Multiplier
Lecture 24: Combinational Design using Verilog
Lecture 25: Combinational Design using Verilog
Week 8:
Lecture 26: Sequential Design: Flipflop
Lecture 27: Sequential Design: Counter,
Lecture 28: Sequential Design: Register
Week 9:
Lecture 29: Implementation of FLipflop,
Lecture 30: counters and registers in Verilog
Lecture 31: Finite State Machine Modeling Sequential Design with FSM
Lecture 32: Implementation Methodologies for FSM FSM Minimization
Week 10:
Lecture 33: Implementation of FSM using Verilog
Lecture 34: Implementation of FSM using Verilog
Lecture 35: Implementation of FSM using Verilog
Lecture 36: Testing of FSM
Week 11:
Lecture 37: Algorithmic State Machine and RTL
Lecture 38: Implementation Methodologies for ASM
Lecture 39: RTL design of Sequential Multiplier using ASM/RTL
Week 12:
Lecture 40: RTL Design using Verilog(Cont)
Lecture 41: RTL Design using Verilog(Cont)
Lecture 42: RTL Design using Verilog