Week 1: Introduction
- Brief review of the fundamentals of molecular biology and genetics.
- Examples of widely used software, algorithms, databases.
Week 2: Strings and exact matching
- Z-algorithm, suffix arrays, suffix array construction
Week 3: Strings and exact matching
- Suffix trees, suffix tree construction, applications of suffix trees
Week 4: Strings and exact matching, Pairwise Sequence Alignment
- Burrows-Wheeler Transformation, BWT index, Generalised rank operations, succinct suffix arrays
- Classic dynamic programming ideas for pairwise sequence alignment.
- Edit distance, global alignment
Week 5: Pairwise Sequence Alignment
- Local alignment, Incorporating gaps in alignments
- Statistical measures of alignment significance.
Week 6: Heuristic-based Sequence Alignment
- Mathematical ideas underlying heuristic sequence aligners.
- Maximal unique matches, co-linear chaining
Week 7: Heuristic-based Sequence Alignment, Genome reconstruction using graph algorithms
- Incorporating gaps into the chaining algorithm
- Applications of sequence alignment for mutation finding and disease diagnosis.
- Shortest common superstring formulation for genome reconstruction
Week 8: Genome reconstruction using graph algorithms
- Greedy approach to genome reconstruction
- de Bruijn Graphs, Overlap graphs
Week 9: Evolutionary tree construction
- Multiple sequence alignment – formulations, optimal and approximation algorithms
- Classical and contemporary algorithms for inferring evolutionary trees.
Week 10: Probabilistic/machine learning-based sequence models
- Gene finding. Hidden Markov models
- Large language models for biological sequences
Week 11: Pangenome graphs
- Overview of pangenome representations
- Aligning sequences to a pangenome
Week 12: Research papers