Week 1: Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Lecture 1: Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Lecture 2: Postulates and Boltzmann Distribution
Week 2: Canonical Partition Function
Lecture 3: Properties of Canonical Partition Function
Lecture 4: Canonical Partition Function and Thermodynamic Properties
Lecture 5: Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Monoatomic Gases
Lecture 6: Monoatomic Gases and Gibbs Entropy Equation
Lecture 7: Energy Fluctuations for Monoatomic Gases
Week 3: Monoatomic and Polyatomic Gases
Lecture 8: Diatomic and Polyatomic Gases
Lecture 9: Vibrational Partition Function
Lecture 10: Partition Function for Ideal Polyatomic Gas
Lecture 11: Normal Mode Analysis
Lecture 12: Illustrations
Week 4: Chemical Reactions
Lecture 13: Non-reacting Ideal Gas Mixture
Lecture 14: Chemically Reacting Gas Mixture
Lecture 15: Degree of Ionization of Gas Molecules
Lecture 16: Degree of Ionization of Gas Molecules
Week 5: Other Partition Functions
Lecture 17: Microcanonical and Grand Canonical Ensemble
Lecture 18: Isobaric Isothermal Ensemble
Lecture 19: Fluctuations in Grand canonical and Isothermal Isobaric Ensembles
Week 6: Other Partition Functions
Lecture 20: Semi Grand Canonical Ensemble and Comparison of Ensembles
Lecture 21: Problems and Adsorption Isotherm
Week 7: Intermolecular Potentials and Virial Coefficients
Lecture 22: Virial Equation of State for Polyatomic Molecules
Lecture 23: Virial Equation
Lecture 24: Virial Equation of State with Higher Order Terms
Lecture 25: Thermodynamic Properties from Virial Equation
Week 8: Intermolecular Potentials
Lecture 26: Interaction Potentials for Spherical Molecules
Lecture 27: Inferences from Intermolecular Potentials
Lecture 28: Engineering Applications of Virial Equation of State
Week 9: Monoatomic Crystals
Lecture 29: Einstein Model
Lecture 31: Debye_Model
Lecture 32: Sublimation Pressure and Enthalpy of Crystals
Week 10: Lattice Based Models
Lecture 33: Flory Huggins Model
Lecture 34: Ising Model
Week 11: Radial Distribution Function and Computer Simulation Models
Lecture 35: Radial Distribution Function and Computer Simulation Models
Lecture 36: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Lecture 37: Monte Carlo Simulations
Week 12: Perturbation Theory
Lecture 38: Perturbation Theory for Square Well Potential
Lecture 39: First and Second Order Barker-Henderson Perturbation Theory