Week 1: Geospatial technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing is used to acquire skills in satellite data analysis, processing, and visualization using specialized software such as QGIS, Global Mapper and ENVI, generate thematic maps that convey valuable information about landscapes. It will includes knowing and understanding landforms using Cartosat-1, CORONA and SRTM data.
Week 2: Georeferencing, mosaicking of these satellite data and preparation of Anaglyph and DEM from the Cartosat-1 data using ENVI software. Tectonic landform identification and interpretation using Anaglyph and DEM, preparation of Tectono-Geomorphic maps.
Week 3: Understand contour lines, elevation, and how to represent three-dimensional landscapes on two-dimensional maps. Morphometric analysis and estimation of morphometric indices to understand the landscapes evolution. Preparation of Geological cross-section – folded terrain and faulted terrain.
Week 4: Mapping of landforms such as rivers terraces, alluvial fan surfaces, topographic profiles of fault scarps, river offsets etc. through Total Station (TS) and Real Time Kinematics (RTK). TS and RTK are used to generate detailed topographic maps by measuring coordinates (x, y, and z) of points on the landscape. The combination of these instruments allows for extremely accurate data collection, crucial for precise landform mapping.
Week 5: Mapping of sub-surface utility/lithological variations using Ground Penetrating Radar survey (GPR). It used to study the soil and sediments stratigraphy. It can detect buried objects, layers, and its anomalies.
Week 6: Mapping of surface landforms using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which provide high resolution aerial imagery to generate orthophotos and DEM of the landscapes. Mapping of sub-surface lithology through Resistivity Survey.
Week 7: Sate of the art knowledge of Optically Stimulated Dating techniques, it is a valuable method to date fluvial landforms. It utilizes trapped electrons in minerals to estimate the time since the last exposure of the sediment grains to sunlight or heat. Fluvial sediments deposited by rivers and streams are often important archives of past climatic changes or tectonic activity. Dating of coarse and fine grain Quartz and Feldspar minerals. Sample Preparation: Chemical Processing, Sieving of samples to acquire the suitable grain size, Magnetic separation to separate the quartz from heavy minerals.
Week 8: OSL Lab: Sensitivity Corrections, Preheat Plateau test to estimate the preheat temperature, Recycling and Recuperation test, Single Aliquot Regenerative (SAR) Protocol, Age Models (Central Age Model, Minimum Age Model and Common Age Model), Moisture Calculation, Dose Rate estimation, Paleodose Calculation and Age Calculation.