Week 1: An Introduction to Sustainability Concepts and Life Cycle Analysis (Introduction, Material flow and waste management, What it all means for an engineer? Water energy and food nexus)
Week 2: Risk and Life Cycle Framework for Sustainability (Introduction, Risk, Environmental Risk Assessment, Example Chemicals and Health Effects, Character of Environmental Problems)
Week 3: Environmental Data Collection and LCA Methodology (Environmental Data Collection Issues, Statistical Analysis of Environmental Data, Common Analytical Instruments, Overview of LCA Methodology - Goal Definition, Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Life Cycle Interpretation, LCA Software tools)
Week 4: Life Cycle Assessment – Detailed Methodology and ISO Framework (Detailed Example on LCA Comparisons, LCA Benefits and Drawbacks, Historical Development and LCA Steps from ISO Framework)
Week 5: Life Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessments (Unit Processes and System Boundary Data Quality, Procedure for Life Cycle Impact Assessment, LCIA in Practice with Examples, Interpretation of LCIA Results)
Week 6: Factors for Good LCA Study (ISO Terminologies, LCA Steps Recap, Chemical Release and Fate and Transport, and Green Sustainable Materials)
Week 7: Design for Sustainability (Environmental Design for Sustainability: Economic, Environmental Indicators, Social Performance Indicators, Sustainable Engineering Design Principles and Environmental Cost Analysis)
Week 8: Case Studies (e.g., Odour Removal for Organics Treatment Plant, Comparison of Hand Drying Methods, Biofuels for Transportation, Kerosene Lamp vs. Solar Lamp, Bioplastic etc.).