Week 1: Outline of the course; Introduction to bituminous pavements; Overview of distresses such as rutting and fatigue cracking in bituminous layers; Influence of binders and mixtures on such distresses; Role of mechanical characterization for design and laboratory performance.
Week 2:Introduction to linear viscoelasticity; Elastic, viscous and viscoelastic response; Viscoelastic solid and viscoelastic fluid; Linearity of response - scaling and superposition;
Week 3:Introduction of material functions for viscoelastic materials - creep compliance function and, stress relaxation function in the time domain and complex creep compliance and complex stress relaxation function in the frequency domain.
Week 4:Influence of temperature on the linear viscoelastic response; Thermorheologically simple behavior, time-temperature superposition, and construction of master curve.
Week 5:Introduction to refinery processing of bitumen; Chemical composition of bitumen; Relationship between chemical composition and physical parameters of bitumen; Aging of bitumen and bituminous mixtures.
Week 6:Introduction to the grading system for bitumen; Penetration and viscosity grading of bitumen
Week 7:Industry lecture on Dynamic Shear Rheometer - Dharmesh Gala from Anton Paar; Performance grading of bitumen - Issues related to reliability, slow-moving traffic, and high volume and grade-bumping.
Week 8:Modifiers for bitumen; Performance characterization of modified bitumen; Introduction to MSCR test method.
Week 9:Introduction to Bituminous Mixture and the associated volumetrics; Mixing and compaction of unmodified and modified bituminous mixtures
Week 10:Stiffness modulus (van der Poel), dynamic modulus, and resilient modulus of bituminous mixtures - experimental protocol, and post-processing.
Week 11:Simulation of rutting of bituminous mixtures in the laboratory: flow number, flow time and dry rut wheel testing - experimental protocol, and post-processing.
Week 12:Simulation of fatigue damage of bituminous mixtures in the laboratory: beam bending and repeated indirect tensile testing - experimental protocol, and post-processing.