Week 1: Structure and properties of materials
Fundamentals of material structure, from atomic bonding to failure theories;structure-property relationships; general engineering properties of materials
Week 2: Structure and properties of materials
Fundamentals of material structure, from atomic bonding to failure theories;structure-property relationships; general engineering properties of materials
Week 3: Structure and properties of materials
Fundamentals of material structure, from atomic bonding to failure theories;structure-property relationships; general engineering properties of materials
Week 4: Stone / Brick / Mortar
Properties and application of masonry materials; types of bonding; deterioration processes
Week 5: Cement and Concrete
Cement composition and properties; properties of other ingredients;basic concrete mixture proportioning; Early age and long term properties;construction methods with concrete
Week 6: Cement and Concrete
Cement composition and properties; properties of other ingredients;basic concrete mixture proportioning; Early age and long term properties;construction methods with concrete
Week 7: Cement and Concrete
Cement composition and properties; properties of other ingredients;basic concrete mixture proportioning; Early age and long term properties;construction methods with concrete
Week 8: Steel / Aluminium / Copper
Structure of iron and steel – phase diagrams; properties of reinforcing steel and structural steel; corrosion; properties and applications of Al and Cu
Week 9: Steel / Aluminium / Copper
Structure of iron and steel – phase diagrams; properties of reinforcing steel and structural steel; corrosion; properties and applications of Al and Cu
Week 10: Composite materials / FRP / Polymers and Plastics
Particulate and fibre reinforced composites; structure and behaviour of polymers and plastics
Week 11: Wood / Glass
Structure of wood; processing of timber for construction; defects and deterioration of wood; properties and applications of glass
Week 12: Pavement materials
Basic pavement materials such as WBM and WMM; structure and properties of asphalt; proportioning and application of bituminous concrete for flexible pavements;understanding of rigid pavements – jointed, doweled and continuously reinforced