Week 1: General Introduction to Building Physics
Review of Climate Responsive Design Principles, Heat conduction, convection and radiation principles, Material properties, Daylighting.
Week 2: Building Heat Transfer Mechanism
Heat admittance through building envelope, Psychometric operation, Solar Radiation and consideration for glazing design.
Week 3: Building Heat Load Estimation Methods
Thermal load and ventilation. Study on building energy systems that contribute to the energy needs of the built forms, Energy calculation and modelling of building based on thermal transfer values. Concept of cooling degree days
Week 4: Energy Conservation Building Code Considerations
ECBC norms on energy efficient building in India, Building envelope trade-off method. Envelope performance factor. Daylight and lighting consideration
Week 5: Energy Conservation in Residential Building
Eco-Niwas Samhita 2018 guidelines for residential building energy conservation, Residential envelope transmittance values in various climatic conditions in India. Comfort system and controls.
Week 6: Life Cycle Analysis
Discussion on life cycle energy analysis of building. Embodied energy, operational energy. Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Govt. of India (BEE) guidelines and Building Energy Index of different building types.
Week 7: Building Energy Audits
Energy Auditing types and level. Tools for Auditing, Payback of Retrofits, Accepted Home Energy Designations. Factors Affecting Thermal Performance of Insulation.
Week 8: Passive Technologies and Green Energy
Passive low energy technologies and its application in building Earth-air tubes, radiant cooling, Passive downdraft evaporative cooling (PDEC). Green technologies for alternative sources of building operating energy:, PV Cell, wind energy, bio gas, Energy efficient buildings in India: case studies