Modern Food Packaging Technologies: Regulatory Aspects and Global Trends

By Prof. Prem Prakash Srivastav   |   IIT Kharagpur
Learners enrolled: 2638   |  Exam registration: 570
There has been a dramatic growth in the availability of foods packed in various styles in recent years. If the packaging industry wants to keep up with customer and market demands, it must keep innovating its packaging methods. Packaging is now widely acknowledged as a hybrid of science, art, and technology rather than a mere extension of common sense. Modern marketing relies heavily on the power of intelligent packaging. The industry as a whole is beginning to realise the critical role that packaging plays in the actualisation of businesses. These days, learning about packaging is viewed as an excellent way to advance in one's job.
Therefore, this course has been designed with the aim of following objectives.
1.To describe the functional role and safety issues of food packaging and labelling.
2.To learn quality parameters of packaging materials, which come in contact with food product.
3.To give a detailed idea about global trends in food packaging and disposal methods.
4.To create packaging professional from design conception to manufacturing, who learns to speak the language of packaging and utilize it as a key differentiator for his relevant industry / business.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: B. Tech, M. Tech, PhD students and Industrial Persons

PREREQUISITES: Diploma or degree in basic science/food science/food technology/agricultural engineering.

INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Food Industries and Packaging Industries
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
  • Food Process Engineering
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate
Start Date : 20 Jan 2025
End Date : 11 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 03 Feb 2025
Exam Registration Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 26 Apr 2025 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Week 1:  Introduction to Food Packaging
Week 2: Types of Packaging Materials (Glass and Paper)
Week 3: Types of Packaging Materials (Plastic:1)
Week 4: Types of Packaging Materials (Plastic:2)
Week 5: Types of Packaging Materials (Metals)
Week 6: Testing and regulatory aspects of food packaging
Week 7: Special Packaging Methods
Week 8: 
Packaging of Food Products 1
Week 9: Packaging of Food Products 2
Week 10: Global Trends in Food Packaging
Week 11: Packaging Process and Equipment
Week 12: Packaging Laws and Regulations

Books and references

1.Robertson GL, Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, Third Edition, 2013
2.Paine FA and Paine HY, A Handbook of Food Packaging, Blackie Academic and Professional, 1992

Instructor bio

Prof. Prem Prakash Srivastav

IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Prem Prakash Srivastav is a Food Science and Technology Professor in the Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (WB), India. He graduated from Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur and received an M.Sc. degree with a major in Food Technology and a minor in Process Engineering from GBPUA&T, Pantnagar. He was awarded Ph. D from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He teaches various UG, PG and PhD level courses and guided many research projects at PhD (12), Master (61) and Undergraduate levels. His research interest includes the development of specially designed convenience, functional and therapeutic foods, extraction of neutraceuticals, and development of various low-cost food processing machinery. He has organised 04 sponsored short-term courses and completed sponsored research projects, 05 as PI worth Rs. 435.719 lakhs and 07 as Co-PI worth Rs. 59.4 lakhs and consultancies. He has published more than123 research papers in peer-reviewed international and national journals, conference proceedings, and many technical bulletins and monographs. He has chaired and presented various papers at international and national conferences and delivered many invited lectures in different summer/winter schools. He has one authored book and seven edited books, fifty eight book chapters and four patents (2-granted and 2-filed) in his credit. He was a Member of the Board of Studies of different universities and a selection committee member of NIFTEM, Kundali, Haryana and Adis Ababa Institute of Technology, Adis Ababa, Ethiopia. Also, he served as a paper setter for B. Tech / M. Tech courses and evaluated research dissertations of M. Tech and Ph. D levels. His students received best poster paper awards in ISAE – 2009, ICTF – 2010, FOQSAT – 2011, IFT (USA) – 2014, IUFoST – 2018 and TIIFH - 2019. He is a life member of various professional bodies viz., ISTE, AFST(I), IDA, AMI, ISAE and member of the US-based American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).

Course certificate

The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres.
The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
Date and Time of Exams: April 26, 2025 Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2pm to 5pm.
Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then.
Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

Please note that assignments encompass all types (including quizzes, programming tasks, and essay submissions) available in the specific week.

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Certificate will have your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup.It will have the logos of NPTEL and IIT Kharagpur .It will be e-verifiable at nptel.ac.in/noc.

Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies will not be dispatched.

Once again, thanks for your interest in our online courses and certification. Happy learning.

- NPTEL team

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