Week 1: SI Unit, Definitions & Concepts: System, Property, Energy, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Work interaction & various modes of work, Heat, State Postulate; Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Temperature Scale.
Week 2: Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids: Pure substance, Phase of substances, Molecular models of matter, Phase change processes in pure substance, Graphical representation of phase change processes, Steam Table
Week 3: Simple compressible substance, Ideal gas Equation of State, van der Walls Equation of State; Law of corresponding states, Compressibility chart, Pressure-volume; Temperature-volume and Phase diagrams; Mollier diagram and Steam tables.
Week 4: First Law of Thermodynamics for Nonflow process: Application of I Law for elementary processes, I Law analysis of Non-flow processes; Use of steam tables & Mollier diagram,
Week 5: First Law of Thermodynamics for flow process: Application of I Law of Thermodynamics for Flow Process-Steady state, steady flow processes, Throttling process; Transient Flow Processes-Charging & discharging of tanks.
Week 6: I Law Application to Chemically Reacting Systems: Fuels & Combustion, Theoretical Air/Fuel ratio, Standard heat of Reaction and effect of temperature on standard heat of reaction, Adiabatic flame temperature.
Week 7: II Law Application to Chemically Reacting Systems: Fuels & Combustion, Theoretical Air/Fuel ratio, Standard heat of Reaction and effect of temperature on standard heat of reaction, Adiabatic flame temperature.
Week 8: Applications of II Law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Temperature scale, Clausius inequality, Entropy, Calculations of entropy change, Principle of entropy increase, T-S diagram, II Law analysis of Control volume.
Week 9: Thermodynamic Potentials: Maxwell relations: Available energy, Availability; Second law efficiency. Thermodynamic relations, Jacobian methods, Clapeyron and Kirchoff equations, Phase rule.
Week 10: Power Cycles: Rankine cycle – Ideal, Reheat and Regenerative Rankine cycles.
Week 11: Gas Power Cycles: Gas Power Cycles; Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle and Brayton cycle.
Week 12: Refrigeration Cycles: Vapor compression refrigeration, Absorption refrigeration and Gas refrigeration Cycles.