Week 1:
Lecture 1:
Introduction and history on the development of optimization theory
Section I: Tools from Linear Algebra
Lecture 2:
Vector space, basis and dimension, subspace, inner products and norms, matrix norms, projection, eigen values and eigen vectors
Lecture 3:
Definiteness of matrices: eigen value criterion and Sylvester criterion, quadratic forms and quadratic functions
Section II: Tools from Calculus of Several Variables
Lecture 4:
Sets in Rn: balls, neighborhood, interior point, open sets, closed sets, bounded sets, compact sets, level sets, epigraphs
Lecture 5:
Supremum and infimum of a set, sequence, subsequence, limsup and liminf
Week 2: Lecture 6:
Order of convergence of a sequence
Lecture 7:
Limit, continuity, uniform continuity and Lipschitz continuity and their geometries
Lecture 8:
Partial derivative, gradient, Hessian, directional derivative
Lecture 9:
Differentiablity, hierarchy of ‘PDs, DD and diffentiability’
Lecture 10:
Little oh and big Oh notations, Taylor’s theorem
Week 3:
Section III: Convex Sets and Convex Functions
Lecture 11:
Convex sets, examples of commonly occurring convex sets, convexity preserving operations
Lecture 12:
Convexity preserving operations continued, separation result (a point and a closed convex set)
Lecture 13:
Theorems of alternatives: Farkas’ theorem
Lecture 14:
Theorems of alternatives: Gordan’s theorem and other results
Lecture 15:
Convex functions, their continuity, Lipschitz continuity and directional derivative
Week 4: Lecture 16:
Zeroth order and first order characterizations of convexity
Lecture 17:
Second order characterization of convexity, convexity preserving operations
Section IV: Unconstrained Optimization Theory
Lecture 18:
Local optima and its variants, saddle point, coercive functions, existence of optima: Weierstrass theorem
Lecture 19:
Existence of optima: Theorem for coercive functions. Descent direction and its first order and second order characterizations
Lecture 20:
First order and second order necessary and sufficient conditions for minima
Week 5: Section V: Unconstrained Optimization Methods
Lecture 21:
General structure of an optimization algorithm, global convergence, descent property, quadratic termination property. Introduction to line search: exact and inexact line searches
Lecture 22:
Inexact line searches: Armijo-Goldstein, Wolfe-Powell, Armijo-backtracking
Lecture 23:
On global convergence of gradient descent methods using line search methods: for exact line search
Lecture 24:
On global convergence of gradient descent methods using line search methods: for inexact line searches
Lecture 25:
Where do general descent methods converge? —almost always to a local minimizer. Capture theorem.
Week 6: Lecture 26:
Scaling of variables
Lecture 27:
Practical stopping criteria
Lecture 28:
Steepest descent method, descent property, zigzagging, scaling effect, Barzilai and Borwin gradient method
Lecture 29:
Global convergence of steepest descent method and order of convergence. Scaling effect and dimension independency.
Lecture 30:
Newton method and its local convergence.
Week 7:Lecture 31:
Dimension dependency of Newton method. Scaling effect.
Lecture 32:
Levenberg-Marquardt and other modified Newton methods
Lecture 33:
Quasi-Newton methods - quasi-Newton equation, general quasi-Newton algorithm, variable metric method, general comparison of Newton and quasi-Newton methods
Lecture 34:
Global convergence of quasi-Newton methods for uniformly convex functions
Lecture 35:
Superlinear convergence of quasi-Newton methods
Week 8: Lecture 36:
Basic conjugate direction method
Lecture 37:
Convergence rate of the basic CG method
Lecture 38:
Trust region methods: Cauchy point, dog leg and double dog leg methods
Section VI: Constraint Optimization Theory
Lecture 39:
A revisit to Lagrange multipliers method
Lecture 40:
Cones for constraint optimization: cone, dual cone, cone of feasible directions, linearizing cone, cone of descent directions
Week 9: Lecture 41:
Cones for constraint optimization: tangent cone. Geometric optimality conditions.
Lecture 42:
First order FJ and KKT necessary optimality conditions
Lecture 43:
First order KKT sufficient optimality condition
Lecture 44:
Second order KKT necessary and sufficient optimality conditions
Lecture 45:
Constraint qualification
Week 10: Section VII: Lagrangian Duality Theory
Lecture 46:
Lagrangian duality: how does one discover duality? Geometric interpretation of duality.
Lecture 47:
Results on dual function: dual problem is a convex optimization problem, differentiability of the dual function
Lecture 48:
Weak duality theorem. Duality gap. Equal primal and dual objective values imply optimal.
Lecture 49:
Strong duality theorem. Convex optimization problem and SCQ implies strong duality.
Lecture 50:
Saddle point optimality and absence of duality gap. Relationship between saddle point criteria and KKT conditions
Week 11: Section VIII: Linearly Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms
Lecture 51:
Quadratic programming methods – Active set method
Lecture 52:
Quadratic programming method – Interior point method
Lecture 53:
Projected gradient algorithm
Lecture 54:
Reduced gradient algorithm
Section IX: Nonlinearly Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms
Lecture 55:
Penalty method – Exterior penalty method
Lecture 56:
Penalty method – Interior penalty method
Week 12: Lecture 57:
Penalty method – Augmented Lagrangian method
Lecture 58:
Sequential quadratic programming – Lagrange-Newton method
Lecture 59:
Sequential quadratic programming – Reduced Hessian matrix method
Lecture 60:
Trust region method
Lecture 61:
Null space method