Week 1: Overview of World energy scenario, primary energy demand and supply, fossil fuel reserves - estimates, an overview of India's energy scenario and its comparison with other countries, formulation of energy Sankey diagrams, trends in energy use patterns.
Week 2: Energy and development linkage, energy prices, economics and politics, energy chain, primary energy analysis, net energy analysis examples.
Week 3: Fundamental concepts of economics, decision-making process, investment appraisal methods (net present value, annual worth method, payback period, internal rate of return, profitability index)
Week 4: Financial analysis of renewable energy projects, government incentives and disincentives, project financing for energy projects, case studies: wind energy, green hydrogen, electric vehicles.
Week 5: Environmental effects of energy production and utilization, recent successes in abatement of acid rains, lead emissions, and ozone depletion, uniqueness of climate change problem.
Week 6: The Kyoto protocol, the Paris agreement, the Kigali agreement, myths and realities related to global climate change, nuclear waste, thermal pollution, energy-water nexus.
Week 7: Introduction to Life cycle assessment (LCA) and its relation with environmental decision support, LCA framework methods, and standards.
Week 8: LCA: mass flow, data estimation, multi-functionality, impact categories, mid-point and end-point indicators, interpretation: consistency and sensitivity. Case studies in LCA of energy systems.