Week 1: Integrated circuits basics, Operational Amplifiers: Introduction to ideal and practical Op. amps, Characteristics, Modes of operation
Week 2: Applications of Op. amp: Adder, Subtractor, Integrator, Differentiator, Instrumentation amplifier
Week 3: Problem Solving: Problems based on applications of Op. amp.
Week 4: Active filters: Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Band reject filters
Week 5: Sinewave Oscillators: RC phase shift, Wien bridge Oscillators
Week 6: Non-linear applications of Op. amp: Comparators, Zero crossing detectors and Schmitt trigger, waveform generator
Week 7: 555 Timer: Operation, Monostable and Astable modes
Week 8: IC 565 PLL: Operation and applications
Week 9: IC 78xx/79xx Voltage regulators: Features, three terminal voltage regulators
Week 10: CMOS inverter, CMOS combinational and sequential circuits
Week 11: Digital to Analog Converters: Weighted resistor DAC and R-2R ladder DAC
Week 12: Analog to Digital Converters: Flash type, counter type, successive approximation type and dual slope integrating type