Week 1: Introduction to Business Intelligence & Analytics (BIA), drivers of BIA, types of analytics: descriptive to prescriptive, vocabulary of business analytics, course plan and resources
Books to refer : Text 1: Han et al. (2023) Chapter 1, Introduction
Week 2: Technical architecture of BIA, case analysis of AT&T Long distance, fundamentals of data management, OnLine Transaction Processing (OLTP), design process of databases
Books to refer : Text 1: Han et al. (2023), Chapter 3, Data Warehouse and Online Analytical Processing (pp. 85–108).
Week 3: Relational databases, normalisation, SQL queries, ShopSense case of management questions, data warehousing, OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP), data cube
Week 5: Data mining process, introduction to statistical learning, data pre-processing, data quality, overview of data mining techniques, case study using regression analysis
Books to refer :
a. Text 2: James et al. (2013) Chapter 1, Statistical learning, ISL
b. Text 2: James et al. (2013) Chapter 2, Linear regression, ISL
Week 6: Introduction to classification, classification techniques, scoring models, classifier performance, ROC and PR curves
Books to refer : Text 1: Han et al. (2023) Chapter 6, Classification: Basic concepts and methods
Week 7: Introduction to decision trees, tree induction, measures of purity, tree algorithms, pruning, ensemble methods
Week 9: Cluster analysis, measures of distance, clustering algorithms, K-means and other techniques,
cluster quality
Books to refer : Text 2: James et al. (2013) Chapter 10, Unsupervised learning (pp. 385-400)
Week 10: A store segmentation case study using clustering, implementation in Python, profiling clusters, cluster interpretation and actionable insights, RFM sub- segmentation for customer loyalty
Books to refer : What Is Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value (RFM) in Marketing?:
Week 11: Machine learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), topology and training algorithms, back propagation, financial time series modelling using ANN, implementation in Python
Books to refer : Kaastra & Boyd (1996) Designing a neural network for forecasting financial and economic time series, JNC:
Week 12: Text mining, process, key concepts, sentiment scoring, text mining using R-the case of a movie discussion forum, summary
Books to refer : Silge and Robinson, Text Mining with R, A Tidy Approach: O’reilly: