Week 1:
Introduction - Introduction to cyber security, Confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
R1. From information security to cyber security. Computers and Security, 2013, accessible at:
Week 2:
Foundations - Fundamental concepts, CIA, CIA triangle, data breach at target.
R2. Chapter 1- Text
R3. Why you should care about the Target data breach? Business Horizons, 2016, accessible at:
Week 3:
Security management, Governance, risk, and compliance (GRC)- GRC framework, security standards.
R4. Text-Chapter 4 - Planning for security, pp. 171- 176
Week 4:
Contingency planning - Incidence response, Disaster Recovery, BCP.
R5. Text-Chapter 4 - Planning for security, pp. 214-251
Week 5:
Cyber security policy - ESSP, ISSP, SYSSP.
R6. Text-Chapter 4- Information security policy, pp. 177-213.
R7. Internet insecurity: The end of cyber security. HBR, 2018, accessible at: https://hbr.org/2018/05/internet-insecurity
Week 6:
Risk Management - Cyber Risk Identification, Assessment, and Control.
R8. Text-Chapter 5- Risk management: Identifying and assessing risk.
R9. Case Study- Protecting the Cheddar: The end of cyber security. HBR, 2018, accessible at: https://hbr.org/2018/05/case-study-protecting-the-cheddar
Week 7:
Cyber security: Industry perspective - Defense Technologies, Attack, Exploits
R10. Text-Chapter 6-7- Security technology
Week 8:
Cyber security technologies - Access control, Encryption, Standards.
R11. Text-Chapter 8- Cryptography
R12. Active defense and hacking back: A primer- The end of cyber security. HBR, 2018, accessible at: https://hbr.org/2018/05/active-defense-and-hacking-back-a-primer?ab=seriesnav-bigidea
Week 9:
Foundations of privacy - Information privacy, Measurement, Theories.
R13. Privacy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2013, accessible at: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/privacy/
R14. We Googled you. HBR Online, 2007, accessible at: https://hbr.org/2007/06/we-googled-you-2
Week 10:
Privacy regulation - Privacy, Anonymity, Regulation, Data Breach.
R15. Text-Chapter 3- Law and ethics
R16. UNCTAD. Data Protection and Privacy Legislation Worldwide, accessible at: https://unctad.org/page/data-protection-and-privacy-legislation-worldwide
Week 11:
Privacy regulation in Europe, Privacy: The Indian Way - Data Protection, GDPR, DPDP, Aadhar.
R17. GDPR: General Data Protection Directive (https://gdpr-info.eu)
R18. Privacy and security of Aadhaar: A Computer Science perspective, IIT Delhi, accessible at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/26697657.pdf
R19. The digital personal data protection bill, 2023
Week 12:
Information privacy: Economics and strategy, Economic value of privacy, privacy valuation, WTA and WTC, Business strategy and privacy, espionage, Privacy vs safety. R20. The dark side of customer analytics. HBR Case, 2007, accessible at: https://www.pomsmeetings.org/ConfPapers/052/052-0002.pdf
R21. Apple privacy vs safety issues: https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/cold-call-apples-dilemma-balancing-privacy-and-safety-responsibilities