Week 1: Introduction to Groundwater Engineering, Importance of groundwater, Hydrologic Cycle
Week 2: Surface vs Groundwater, Water balance and its components, types of aquifers
Week 3: Infiltration and percolation, Porosity, Permeability, Surface Runoff
Week 4: Darcy’s Law, Limitations of Darcy Law, types of flows, Theis method, Jacob method
Week 5: Pumping test techniques, data analysis and interpretation
Week 6: Well losses – Specific Capacity and Specific yield, Collector well, Infiltration gallery
Week 7: Concept of Groundwater Management, Groundwater balance
Week 8: Introduction to groundwater modelling, Conceptualization of a model
Week 9: Initial and Boundary Conditions, Calibration, Validation, Future Prediction, Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty
Week 10: Artificial recharge techniques, Reclaimed wastewater recharge
Week 11: Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Seawater Intrusion and Remediation
Week 12: Ground water Basin management and Conjunctive use, Groundwater quality, Contamination source inventory and remediation schemes