About the course:
Marketing research and Analysis-II (Application oriented) is an extension of the coursemarketing research and analysis. In this course the emphasis has been laid on the practical sideof research and data analysis. It is intended to give a step by step approach for researchers whoare involved in data analysis for their thesis and publication work. Industry practitioners canhave a real time feel of the data analysis process. It describes the tools covered undermultivariate data analysis techniques which students and practitioners find slightly confusingand thus, this course would answer their queries and help them progress in their respectivefields of research. It uses research tools like univariate tests, deep analysis of various regressionanalysis techniques, factor and cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and SEM in details etc.alongwith non-parametric techniques also. SPSS and AMOS software has been used andexplained for data analysis. Most importantly interpreting the data and finally writing for aresearch work has been explained for all the techniques.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : U.G, P.G and PhD students from the Managementdiscipline and Social sciences, Corporate Executives
INDUSTRY SUPPORT : All Industries both in Public and Private space ,academic institutions and Research organizations