Prof. Rajat Agrawal
IIT RoorkeeProf . Rajat Agrawal is a member of faculty (Associate Professor)
at Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee. He is also associate faculty
member at Center of Excellence for Disaster Mitigation and
Management and Center of Excellence for Transportation
Management, IIT Roorkee. He administers various initiatives of IIT
Roorkee in the field of IPR, incubation and entrepreneurship in
different capacities. He initiated incubation centre at IIT
Roorkee. He is cocordinator of Design innovation centre at IIT
Roorkee. He is also IPR Chair Coordinator at IIT Roorkee.
Dr. Rajat is a visiting fellow to Copenhagen Business School,
Copenhagen, Denmark. His area of interest is Production and
Operations Management including Supply Chain Management,
Manufacturing Strategy and World Class Manufacturing. He has
guided thirteen Ph D thesis in these areas and published papers in
journals of Emerald, Sage, Springer, Taylor and Francis, Elsevier,
and Inderscience. Currently, ten students are working under him
for Ph D thesis. He has more than 90 research papers in refereed
journals and more than 25 research papers in refereed
conference proceedings.
He has developed more than 20 case studies on various aspects
of supply chain management, organisational development,
natural resource management, social entrepreneurship, and
value co-creation. He has developed more than 15 programmes
for All India Radio on various subjects of rural development and
technical, management education. He has completed 10 research
and consultancy projects. He was also involved in some of the
international projects funded by Danish Innovation Council and
European Union. He has more than 200 hours of corporate
training experience with organisations like BHEL, THDC India Ltd.,
Power Finance Corporation Ltd., Syndicate Bank, Everest
Industries, and Rockman Industries etc.