Week 1: Overview of mathematical modeling, types of mathematical models and methods to solve the same; Discrete time linear models – Fibonacci rabbit model, cell-growth model, prey-predator model; Analytical solution methods and stability analysis of system of linear difference equations; Graphical solution – cobweb diagrams; Discrete time age structured model – Leslie Model; Jury’s stability test; Numerical methods to find eigen values – power method and LR method.
Week 2 : Discrete time non-linear models- different cell division models, prey-predator model; Stability of non-linear discrete time models; Logistic difference equation; Bifurcation diagrams.
Week 3 : Introduction to continuous time models – limitations & advantage of discrete time model, need of continuous time models; Ordinary differential equation (ODE) – order, degree, solution and geometrical significance; Solution of first order first degree ODE – method of separation of variables, homogeneous equation, Bernoulli equation; Continuous time models – model for growth of micro-organisms, chemostat; Stability and linearization methods for system of ODE’s.
Week 4 : Continuous time single species model – Allee effect; Qualitative solution of differential equations using phase diagrams; Continuous time models – Lotka Volterra competition model, prey-predator models.