Week 1: Concept and Scope of biodiversity protection
1. Concept and Scope of biodiversity protection
2. Types of biodiversity, mega-biodiverse centers,
3. Type of bio-resources, conservation mechanisms
4. International resources/centers of conservation
5. Traditional Resource rights, ecosystem measures
Week 2: Protection of Biological diversity: International mandate
1. Overview of International framework
2. Convention on Biodiversity - Objectives and Articles
3. International Regime on ABS
4. Biodiversity and Climate Change
5. Biobanks – Governance issues
Week 3: Protection of Biological Diversity -Indian position
1. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002
2. Regulatory authorities in India – NBA & SBB
3. Biodiversity Management Committees
4. People Biodiversity Registers
5. ABS Regulation and Benefit Sharing Procedures in India
Week 4: CBD, TRIPS and other treaties relevant to biodiversity protection – Interrelationship and Developments
1. Trade regime and Biodiversity
2. Comparison of Biodiversity Laws of countries
3. TRIPS-CBD relation
4. CBD and relation to other international treaties related to environment and organization of related bodies
5. Interrelationship and new Developments
Week 5: Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights
1. Biodiversity and Interface with IPR
2. Challenges related to Bio piracy - Case Studies
3. Patenting Biodiversity – Recent trends and Developments
4. Disclosure Requirements in Patent – Comparative Perspective
5. Regulatory Law – Comparative Perspective
Week 6: Plant Breeding and breeders’ right v the farmers’ right
1. Concept, Definitions and Criteria for Plant Variety Protection.
2. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right 2001 - Major provisions of the Act
3. Plant Variety protection in US, EU, Japan, China etc.,
4. International Union for protection of new plant varieties (UPOV)
5. Farmers’ Rights – other country models
Week 7: Biodiversity Governance and Compliance Procedures – Comparative Perspective
1. Principles of Biodiversity Governance
2. Compliance Procedures and Linkage with IPR
3. Compliance Procedures under International Framework
4. Compliance Procedures in India
5. Compliance Procedures in EU
Week 8: Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing
1. Biodiversity and Interrelationship with Life
2. Sustainable Development Agenda
3. Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services
4. Biodiversity and Human Happiness
5. Nature Protects if She is Protected