Week 1 : Brief review of transformer. Rotating machine :generalconstructional features. Conditions for steady production ofelectromagnetic torque. Torque production can be explained interms of interaction of two sets of magnetic poles – one producedby stator coil current and the other by rotor coil currents.
Week 2 : MMF and flux density distribution along the air-gap of a rotatingmachine by a single coil and by multiple coils. Basic winding termsand elementary balanced 3-phase winding. Idea of electrical andmechanical angle.
Week 3 : Production of rotating field by a 3-phase winding – iits speed anddirection of rotation and its far reaching implications.
Week 4 : The expression of induced voltage in a coil when it moves relativeto a field distribution – its rms value and frequency.
Week 5 : Types and constructional features of 3-phase induction motor. Slipand its importance. Development of equivalent circuit of the motorwhen it runs with a slip. Getting expression for torque in terms ofequivalent circuit parameters and supply voltage.
Week 6 : Typical torque slip characteristic. Fixing operating point when loadtorque is present. Modification of the torque -slip characteristic byvarying rotor resistance, supply voltage and frequency.
Week 7 : Estimation of equivalent circuit parameters from no load and locked(blocked) rotor tests. Problem solving.
Week 8 : Single phase induction motor: double revolving field theory anddevelopment of equivalent circuit and expression for torque..Torque-slip characteristic. Expression for starting torque inpresence of auxiliary winding. Estimation of starting capacitance forauxiliary coil using concept of phase splitting.
Week 9 : Synchronous machine: Types and constructional features . EMFequation and concept of synchronous reactance. Synchronising anincoming generator (alternator) to the bus. Phasor diagram asgenerator. Regulation. Effect of excitation variation when generatoris connected to bus. Power-angle characteristic. Steady statestabilty limit.
Week 10 : Synchronous machine connected to bus and operating as motor .Phasor diagram under various operating conditions. Effect ofexcitation variation.
Week 11 : Salient pole synchronous machine : concept of direct axis andquadrature axis reactances. Phasor diagrams under various operating conditions both for motoring and generating mode
Week 12 : Swing equation under dynamic condition. Equal area criteria.Steady state and transient stability limits.