Week 1 : Introduction
Motivation, brief introduction to nanophotonics, plasmonics and metamaterials; Overview of current status of research in academia and industry in the fields of nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials
Week 2 : Fundamentals of nanophotonics 1:
Electromagnetic theory of light; Electromagnetic properties of material; Constitutive relationships and material parameters; Electromagnetic waves in dielectric media
Week 3 : Fundamentals of nanophotonics 2:
Polarization of light; Reflection and refraction; Fresnel equations; Absorption, dispersion, and scattering of electromagnetic waves
Week 4 : Electromagnetic waves in periodic structures 1
Matrix theory of dielectric layered media; Fabry–Perot Etalon; Bragg Grating; 1D Photonic crystals — Bloch modes, Dispersion relation and photonic band structure
Week 5 : Electromagnetic waves in periodic structures 2
Real and reciprocal lattices; 2D and 3D Photonic crystals; Bandgap engineering; Devices based on photonic crystals; Emerging Applications of Photonic Crystals
Week 6 : Metal Optics 1:
Optical properties of metals; Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) on planar interfaces; SPP modes for shape resonances, gratings, and light scattering from rough surfaces; Applications of SPPs: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), Sensing, Subwavelength properties in light-guiding, spasers, and plasmonic circuitry, plasmonic subwavelength enhanced transmission of light
Week 7 : Metal Optics 2:
Plasmonic nanoparticles; Localized plasmon resonances; Chain of plasmonic nanoparticles; Applications of localized plasmon resonances: SERS, Sensing, optical nanoantennas and plasmonic waveguides, biomedical applications, tunable plasmonic devices
Week 8 : Metamaterials 1: Fundamentals
Metamaterials concept; Effective medium theories: Maxwell–Garnett theory, Bruggeman theory, Anisotropic mixtures: multilayers and wire media; Negative-permittivity and negative-permeability metamaterials; Double-Negative
Week 9 : Metamaterials 2: Applications
Perfect absorbers; Super lens, Hyperbolic metamaterials and application in high-resolution imaging: Hyper lens; Tunable photonic metamaterial based devices
Week 10 : Metasurfaces:
Introduction to Metasurfaces; Frequency selective surfaces; Guided mode resonances (GMR); Examples of metasurfaces and GMR based devices; Perfect control over transmission and reflection using metasurfaces
Week 11 : Transformation Optics:
Introduction to Transformation Optics; Transformation principle; Invisibility Cloaks; Carpet cloaking; Transformation optics and metamaterials, Introduction to alternative materials
Week 12 : Realization of Nanophotonic Devices:
Nanofabrication: Thin films —Physical methods: Evaporation, Sputtering, Pulsed laser deposition; Chemical methods: chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Atomic layer deposition; Epitaxy: Metal organic CVD, Molecular beam epitaxy; Lithography —photolithography, Non-optical lithography; Pattern transfer; Nanophotonic characterization: brief overview of near-field microscopy and other related methods