Week 1: Introduction to ethical hacking. Fundamentals of computer networking. TCP/IP protocol stack.
Week 2: IP addressing and routing. TCP and UDP. IP subnets.
Week 3: Routing protocols. IP version 6.
Week 4: Installation of attacker and victim system. Information gathering using advanced google search,
archive.org, netcraft, whois, host, dig, dnsenum and NMAP tool.
Week 5: Vulnerability scanning using NMAP and Nessus. Creating a secure hacking environment.
System Hacking: password cracking, privilege escalation, application execution. Malware and
Virus. ARP spoofing and MAC attack.
Week 6: Introduction to cryptography, private-key encryption, public-key encryption.
Week 7: Cryptographic hash functions, digital signature and certificate, applications.
Week 8: Steganography, biometric authentication, network-based attacks, DNS and Email security.
Week 9: Packet sniffing using wireshark and burpsuite, password attack using burp suite.
Social engineering attacks and Denial of service attacks.
Week 10: Elements of hardware security: side-channel attacks, physical inclinable functions, hardware
Week 11: Different types of attacks using Metasploit framework: password cracking, privilege escalation,
remote code execution, etc.Attack on web servers: password attack, SQL injection, cross site
Week 12: Case studies: various attacks scenarios and their remedies.