Week 1: Basic Seakeeping with Tutorial
Week 2: Basic Wave Hydrodynamics with Tutorial
Week 3: Introduction to Boundary Element Method ( Part 1)
Week 4: Boundary Element Method ( Part 2) with Coding Tutorial that will be applied to solve finding added mass of a body in infinite fluid domain.
Week 5: 3D Frequency Domain Panel Method (Part 1)
Week 6: 3D Frequency Domain Panel Method (Part 2)
Week 7: Time Domain Panel Method using IFR with Coding Tutorial. The tutorial will help you to write a code to predict motion of a ship using IRF. Introduce non linear load such as slamming load in IRF solution.
Week 8: Strip Theory With Coding Tutorial on how to calculate 2-D added mass of ship shape body
Week 9: Time Domain Panel method (Part 1)
Week 10: Time Domain Panel Method (part 2) With Coding Tutorial on numerically calculate the Green’s function.
Week 11: Numerical Method for Hydroelasticity
Week 12: Modelling of Slamming and Green water load