Prof. Shalabh
IIT KanpurDr. Shalabh is a Professor of Statistics at IIT Kanpur. His research areas of interest are linear models, regression analysis and econometrics. He has more than 23 years of experience in teaching and research. He has developed several web based and MOOC courses in NPTELincluding on regression analysis and has conducted several workshops on statistics for teachers, researchers and practitioners. He has received several national and international awards and fellowships. He has authored more than 75 research papers in national and international journals. He has written four books and one of the book on linear models is co- authored with Prof. C.R. Rao.

Prof. Prashant Jha
NIT SikkimDr. Prashant Jha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mathematics at NIT Sikkim. His research areas of interest are
nonparametric regression, and shape restricted regression. He has recently
completed his Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT
Kanpur. He has worked as a Teaching Assistant in several MOOC courses in
NPTEL including Introduction to R software and Descriptive statistics
with R software. He has received NBHM Research Award, and CSIR fellowship
for Research during his Ph.D.