Unit 1: Linear Programming (LP): Terminology and formulations
Unit 2: Graphical and Algebraic solutions to LP
Unit 3: Simplex Algorithm: Algebraic form, Tabular form, Types of LPs, Matrix method
Unit 4: Duality: Writing the dual of an LP, Primal-Dual relationships
Unit 5: Dual: Basic understanding, significance, interpretation, Dual Simplex algorithm
Unit 6: Transportation Problem
Unit 7: Assignment Problem
Unit 8: Solving LPs using Solver, Sensitivity analysis
Course Pattern
- A unit will contain a number of topics
- Each topic will have a video of 15-20 minutes duration.
- There will be two assignments for each unit
- Most of the assignment questions will be multiple choice/fill in the blanks/writing a number as answers etc.
- There may be a few questions on LP formulations where the candidate will have to submit the assignment in e-format.