Basic Course in Biomedical Research

By Multifaculty   |   ICMR - National Institute of Epidemiology
Learners enrolled: 276278   |  Exam registration: 169416
In order to improve the research skills of Indian medical postgraduate (PG) students and teachers in medical institutions, the National Medical Commission (NMC, erstwhile Medical Council of India) has mandated a uniform research methodology course. This online course, “Basic Course in Biomedical Research”, is offered by ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR-NIE), Chennai (www.nie.gov.in). 

The course will explain the fundamental concepts of research methodology in health. Course materials include video lectures reading/resource materials, example accompaniments, workbooks, lecture handouts and frequently asked questions (based on participant queries from previous cycle). Certification will be done based on lecture wise assignments and a final proctored exam. 

Online Basic course in Biomedical Research is switching to a new format of self –paced structure from 20 April 2022 which is flexible and convenient. Enrollment will open throughout the year and there is no deadline for enrollment/submission of assignments.  In the self-paced mode the previous cycle assignment scores will not be considered to register for the proctored exam.


Mandatory course for 

• Medical postgraduates [academic year 2019-20 onwards] &

• Teachers in medical institutions affiliated to NMC 


Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai

Note: Any technical or course related queries plesae write to noc22-md01@nptel.iitm.ac.in
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Health research
Level : Postgraduate

Page Visits

Course layout

Click here to view enrollment related FAQS

Course process

Course content 

            Conceptualizing a research study
1          Introduction to health research
2          Formulating research question, hypothesis and objectives
3          Literature review
            Epidemiological considerations in designing a research study
4          Measures of disease frequency
5          Descriptive study designs
6          Analytical study designs
7          Experimental study designs
8          Validity of epidemiological studies
9          Qualitative research methods: An overview   
            Bio-statistical considerations in designing a research study 
10        Measurement of study variables
11        Sampling methods
12        Calculating sample size and power
            Planning a research study
13        Selection of study population
14        Study plan and project management
15        Designing data collection tools
16        Principles of data collection
17        Data management
18        Overview of data analysis
            Ethical issues in conducting a research study
19        Ethical framework for health research
20        Conducting clinical trials
            Writing a research protocol
21        Preparing a concept paper for research projects
22        Elements of a protocol for research studies
23        Publication ethics
24        Manuscript Writing (non-graded)
25        Grant Proposal Writing (non-graded)

Books and references

·        Reading/resource materials will be available for each lecture

·        List of open source books


1.  World Health Organization. Health research methodology: a guide for training in research methods. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2001: p. 1-10. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/206929

2.    Bonita R, Beaglehole R, Kjellstrom T. Basic epidemiology. 2nd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006: p. 15-23.

3.   Coggon D, Rose G, Barker DJP. Epidemiology for the uninitiated. 4th ed. London: BMJ publishing Group; 1997. https://www.bmj.com/about-bmj/resources-readers/publications/epidemiology-uninitiated

4.   Campbell MJ, Swinscow TDV. Statistics at square one. 9th ed. BMJ Publishing Group; 1997. https://www.bmj.com/about-bmj/resources-readers/publications/statistics-square-one

5. Hudelson PM. Qualitative research for health programmes. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2004. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/62315/WHO_MNH_PSF_94.3.pdf?sequence=1

Instructor bio

All faculty members are from the public health/epidemiology/research methods training programmes at the ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai, India. ICMR-NIE offers two-year Masters’ level programmes in Public Health and Bio-statistics. Further, ICMR-NIE conducts Ph.D., and various short-term training programmes in public health/epidemiology and biostatistics. Besides teaching, the faculty members have been conducting epidemiological/public health research. For more details www.nie.gov.in

Academic coordinators 

E. Rajalakshmi, M. D (S)., M.Sc., (Epidemiology)

Malu Mohan, PhD (Public Health)

Teaching assistants

Sharan Murali, M.D. (Community Medicine)
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

Navaneeth S Krishna, MBBS
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

V. Saravana Kumar, PhD (Biostatistics) 
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

N. Ramya, M.D. (Community Medicine)
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

Joshua Chadwick, M.D. (Physician), MPH
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

S. Devika, PhD (Biostatistics) 
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology

Technical coordinators

M. Balusamy, MSW.,
Technician (2), ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai

Technical assistant

M. Jeen Melfha, M.Tech.,

Administrative assistant

I. Arockia Alexzander, M.Com.,

Course certificate

Out of 25 lectures, the first 23 lectures will have online assignments consisting of 10 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) each. A minimum score of 50% in every assignment is required to register for the final proctored exam.

When a participant successfully secures the minimum score of 50% in every assignment for 23 lectures, the exam registration link for the next available date will be provided. To register for examination, the participant will have to fill-up an online form and pay the examination fees of Rs.1000 online. The city-wise list of examination centres will be made available at the time of registration. Securing a minimum score of 50% in the proctored exam is necessary to receive the pass certificate. 

Participants who successfully secure a score of 50% or above in the final proctored exam will be awarded an e-verifiable course completion certificate

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