Week 1: Introduction to Human Resource Development: Emergent of HRD, Critical HRD roles, challenges for HRD
Week 2: HRD in global perspective, HRD- Performance link, Strategic perspective of HRD
Week 3: HRD Process Model: identification of HRD needs and Design and development of HRD programmes
Week 4: HRD Process Model: Methods of Implantation, Evaluation of HRD programmes
Week 5: Employee coaching and performance management: Coaching to improve poor performance, coachinganalysis, coaching discussion, coaching skills
Week 6: HRD interventions: Mentoring for employee development: Role of mentoring in development,understanding the role and responsibilities of mentor, mentee, implementing the mentoring process,mentoring relationship,
Week 7: Employee counseling for HRD: Overview of counseling programmess, employee assistance programme, stress management, employee wellness and health promotion
Week 8: Competency framework of HRD: why competency mapping? Understanding the competency mapping framework, steps in competency mapping
Week 9: Career Planning, management, and development: Career development stages and activities, role of individual and organization in career planning, Issues in career management
Week 10: Intellectual capital (IC), its measurement and management: Components of IC, measurement models of IC, IC index and challenges for HR
Week 11: HRD, Organizational Learning, and learning organizations
Week 12: The future of HRD and HRD Ethics: Research, practice and education of HRD for innovation and talent development and management, Role of HRD in developing ethical attitude and behavior and development, Ethical problems with HRD roles