Week 1: Introduction to the Nervous System and Basic Structure of the Nervous System
Week 2: Evolutionary Lessons in Nervous System Function and Hierarchy of Neural Function from the Cell to Large Networks
Week 3: Signal Transmission, Analog Signal Processing, and Digital Signal Processing in the Nervous System
Week 4: The OS, Servomechanisms, and Control Systems in the Nervous System
Week 5: Theories of Learning and Mechanisms of Learning
Week 6: Biological Basis of Contemporary Neural Networks and Neural Substrates for Contemporary Neural Networks
Week 7: Computational Neurobiology, Brain-Computer Interfaces: Neuromodulation and Recordings: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) Devices and Systems, Introduction to BCI Devices for Neural Recording and Stimulation.
Week 8: Introduction to Neuro-biopotentials: EEG, EMG and ECoG: Introduction to biopotentials, Data Acquisition, Signal Acquisition, Conditioning, and Processing.
Week 9: Introduction to the development of BCI devices I
Week 10: Introduction to the development of BCI devices II
Week 11: Microdevices for Neural Stimulation and Recording: Flexible Devices for ECoG Recordings and Neural Stimulation, Microneedles for Measuring Local Field Potentials (LFPs), and Bioresorbable Devices for ECoG Recordings.
Week 12: Demonstration of BCI Devices: Packaging, Implantation, and Recording: Packaging Techniques for BCI devices, Implantation of BCI devices, Interfacing with Read-out Electronics and Recording ECoG Signals.