Week 1 : Introduction; Relation between switching and logic operation; Use of Diode and Transistor as switch; Concept of noise margin, fanout, propagation delay; TTL, Schottky TTL, Tristate; CMOS Logic, Interfacing TTL with CMOS
Week 2 : Basic logic gates, Universality of NAND, NOR gates, AND-OR-Invert gates, Positive and Negative Logic; Boolean Algebra axioms and basic theorems; Standard and canonical representations of logic functions, Conversion between SOP and POS; Simplification of logic functions, Karnaugh Map, Don’t Care Conditions
Week 3 : Minimization using Entered Variable Map, Minimization using QM algorithm; Cost criteria, Minimization of multiple output functions; Static-0, Static-1 and Dynamic Hazards and their cover.
Week 4 : Multiplexer; Demultiplexer / Decoder, BCD to 7-segment decoder driver; Encoder, Priority encoder; Parity generator and checker
Week 5 : Number systems-binary, Signed binary, Octal, hexadecimal number; Binary arithmetic, One’s and two’s complements arithmetic; Codes, Code converters; Adder, Subtractor, BCD arithmetic
Week 6 : Carry look ahead adder; Magnitude comparator; ALU; Error detecting and correcting codes
Week 7 : Bistable latch, SR, D, JK, T Flip-Flop: level triggered, edge triggered, master – slave, Various representations of flip-flops; Analysis and synthesis of circuits that use flip-flop
Week 8 : Register, Shift register, Universal shift register; Application of shift register: ring counter, Johnson counter, sequence generator and detector, serial adder; Linear feedback shift register
Week 9 : Up and down counter, Ripple (asynchronous) counters, Synchronous counters; Counter design using flip flops, Counter design with asynchronous reset or preset; Applications of counters
Week 10 : Design of synchronous sequential circuit using Mealy model and Moore model: state transition diagram, algorithm state machine (ASM) chart; State reduction technique
Week 11 : Digital to analog converters: weighted resistor/converter, binary ladder, converter, accuracy and resolution; Analog to digital converter: quantization and encoding, different types of conversion, accuracy and resolution
Week 12 : Memory organization and operation, Memory expansion; Memory cell; Different types of memory, ROM, PROM, PAL, PLA, CPLD, FPGA